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That $&%^$@# FedEx!
Yeah, I did get to town.
Hit HD for some tarps, Safeway for food, FexEx for my package[led flashlights, batteries for them, new monitor for the security system, and something else ?].
Then, on to the Keaau market for fruit and produce, the Pahoa waterhole to fill jugs, and Longs for some nasal spray so I can breath while sleeping at night.
M'Lady picked up the mail yesterday.
So, I skipped that.
I was gone for about 4 hours and was getting twitchy that something may have happened that might cause them to try barring my reentry, so I skedaddled for home.
I got more accomplished today than any day since the fun began.
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Was a Democrat until gun control became a knee jerk, then a Republican until the crazies took over, back to being a nonpartisan again.
This time, I can no longer participate in the primary.
Originally posted by kalakoa

I now have a pass that will allow me to return.

Curious: did that pass include any kind of liability waiver?

Liability waiver for who [whom?]?
I didn't sign one and didn't ask for them to.
I do not believe in the litigious nature of our society.
I have always taken full responsibility for my actions and their consequences, even my foolish ones.
I hold no one responsible for any decision I make or action I take.
I have serious problems with how it has become the standard for everyone to hold someone else responsible for their errors in judgement.
The lawyers have gotten rich instilling this into the minds of the majority of Americans.
And, it has given the powers that be the idea that they know better than I do as to how I should live my life.
- - - - - - - - - - -
Was a Democrat until gun control became a knee jerk, then a Republican until the crazies took over, back to being a nonpartisan again.
This time, I can no longer participate in the primary.
So all that self inflicted stress and flailing for what ?

Be a man and act your age.

Stop being so chatty and just get er' done.
Be a poster who contributes something to Punatalk instead of being a consistent A-hole.
RWR, you don't exist.
- - - - - - - - - - -
Was a Democrat until gun control became a knee jerk, then a Republican until the crazies took over, back to being a nonpartisan again.
This time, I can no longer participate in the primary.
Where YOU been D ?

I knew i was missing ewe.

Opinions should not conflate to name calling right ?

"Be a poster who contributes something to Punatalk instead of being a consistent A-hole."

RWR seems to be saying the current eruption is voyager's fault; that it's self-inflicted. I've seen some ridiculous stuff posted on PW but RWR's recent posts have to be the most stupid. Everyone here is trying to help each other and then this idiot chimes in.
MSDS on Barge Cement.

flash point 172F.
WOW TOM, talk about nonsense. RU sure you are answering the correct thread ?

Sounds like you projecting or attempting to put words in my mouth. VERY petty and rather unscientific in your 'conclusion' of such.

You can keep on believing what you want. Its ok. But when you espouse one thing and do another, it looks shoddy.

Once again with the name calling.. When you have nothing to add. Just call names.

"WOW TOM.....Sounds like you projecting or attempting to put words in my mouth."

Nope. He was simply alluding, with more tact than I have, about your being an A-hole.

"Where YOU been D ?.....Opinions should not conflate to name calling right ?"

Right. And if you want to contribute something meaningful, fine.

If you are going to be A-hole, people will respond accordingly.


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