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Lavaboat tours
So I guess because they have the magic permits that must mean they're inflammable, unsinkable and ... smart??? Because it couldn't be they just paid somebody off, right?
I'm not trying to justify it, that's what was said by a reporter who took a trip on one of the permitted boats.
they have the magic permits that must mean they're inflammable, unsinkable and ... smart???

Nobody's being forced to ride the boat.

Oh no doubt, Tom and thanks for the info. It's just that every time I see photos of these boats right up near the gigantic, unstable lava delta I cant believe anyone in their right minds would issue them a permit.
Nobody's being forced to ride the boat.

Sure. But if the State issues permits then people do have a sense that it's a safe activity. Is it? Especially right now I'd have to say not.
if the State issues permits then people do have a sense that it's a safe activity

State forced insurance companies to write policies in LZ1.

County approved the Leilani subdivision plat and issued building permits.

Lots of people apparently thought this made everything "perfectly safe". Was it?
Lava tour vessels can enter the exclusion zone only with permission from the Captain of the Port Honolulu.

“(4487.07) (3) Persons or vessels desiring to enter the safety zone identi ed in paragraph (a) of this section should sub- mit a written request to the COTP Honolulu before initial entry into the safety zone when the Coast Guard noti es the public of safety zone enforcement. The request must explain how the vessel will operate safely in proximity to lava. A typical request should note the vessel’s condition, the operator’s familiarity with the surrounding waters, and any speci c safety practices for operating near the lava ocean-entry points. Persons authorized initial en- try may, thereafter, contact the COTP Honolulu through his designated representatives at the Command Center via telephone: 808–842–2600 and 808–842–2601; fax: 808–842–2642; or on VHF channel 16 (156.8 Mhz) to request permission to transit the safety zone.”

edit: tried correcting copied text, reverted back to original.

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