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Driving license residency proof
wow the yellow star is really something, but after these stories about the DMV i would feel targeted too! At least it wasn't pinned to your chest... wonder what will happen next time i fly? no yellow star but do have a TSA known traveler number.. should be interesting!
Mine is a orange circle with a white star in the center .
Passport up to date and good for another 7 years.
Did all the hoop jumping with all paper work needed including Birth Certificate from territorial days and only took several weeks to come in mail after the temp drivers license was issued .Did this at central Hilo DMV and not Pahoa DMV .
Did this at central Hilo DMV and not Pahoa DMV
I wouldn't. Hilo tends to have long lines and grumpy staff.
Pahoa is just... friendly and nice.
"If the deed lists the owner’s current address"

It was mailed to the condo because that's my legal address.
I had already jumped through all the hoops back in May and proved I was a legal resident of Hawaii and the USA.Hawaii issued me a license without the star so I was going to have to get a new one anyway.Then Pele eliminated my address so I had to change my address.
"I wouldn't. Hilo tends to have long lines and grumpy staff.
Pahoa is just... friendly and nice."

Agree with friendly and nice... maybe things have changed but it took us over 5 hours to get our driver's licenses transferred (Pahoa) in 2012. Got there before they opened so we were only like third in line. They COMPLETELY closed for lunch so the line was moved outside behind the locked doors under the hot sun (I guess lucky it wasn't raining). It was bureaucracy's finest display: One lady only did vehicle renewals (no line or customers, she just stood there looking at us) and the other did only license stuff (short line, but did I mention over 5 hours?).

ETA: Okay, beaurocracy's FINEST display was actually when the lady acknowledged that the written test (old school pencil style) had one question where the answer key didn't match the right answer so "lots of people miss that one". I think it was the only one I missed. But the insanity that they wouldn't fix something like that after years and years... It's a paper and pencil test. Get some whiteout and fix it.
Renewed my license last week in Hilo (the guy who dealt with me was very friendly and helpful). Of the documents I had that actually have my street address, my house insurance didn't work as it was issued in May and that's too long ago. Same issue with my property tax assessment. In the end, my hurricane insurance worked as that was issued in July.

Because, like many here, mail isn't delivered to my house, it turns out you only need one document with your physical address and another with your PO box address, so my most recent mortgage statement worked for the latter.

The DMV guy was quite sympathetic and said they're continually brainstorming about how to deal with people who don't have mail delivered to their property. At least I'll now have a license I can use next time as proof of my physical address - even though it will be eight years old next time.
After months of following this post it finally occurred to me to look at my driver's license and I see no star or circle. It does have my physical address and the holograms. Is this sufficient to fly or do I need to get another license?
Certainty will be the death of us.
kalianna - my understanding is that in order to use your driving license to fly, at some point in the near future, it has to have that star. If you have other government-issued ID such as a passport, that should work, but who knows these days? I'll try and find out more. I can use my UK passport or my permanent resident (green) card to fly, but neither has my physical address. It really is a bizarre situation. For instance, I could have easily "proved" to the DMV using their rules that my workplace is my physical address, which of course it isn't.
Hilo DMV is always nice to us.They do not close for lunch.Staff always polite and helpful.
New federal laws require star in coloured circle to fly - even inter island - even with current up to date passport - even with state ID card or senior ID card.
The wahine who helped us do everything said they catch at least 2 wanted felons a week and 3 illegal aliens per week with all the hoop jumping federal and state laws now in place.
Mrs Mimosa,

"New federal laws require star in coloured circle to fly - even inter island - even with current up to date passport - even with state ID card or senior ID card."

I don't think that can be true. Tourists generally don't have Hawaii driving licenses, they just use their passports and will continue to do so. The problems will come for residents wanting to fly and don't have a new driving license with the star and have no other "official" ID.

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