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New "Aloha Safety Checkpoint"
I made a comment that a group of two guys, calling themselves the Aloha Safety Checkpoint, operating from what can best be described as a ramshackle, not to code, illegal, uninspected grouping of plywood huddled against some 2x4's, might include quotation marks around the word "Safety" because by all appearances it is an ironic choice, at best.

Then RWR responds:

Have u three posting here ever spoken to these folks directy? Maybe hotpe can drive up and expressed personally deliver his opinion about they structure. FWI hotpe .. ur van can handle the roads. The

I have about a 60-70% confidence that I know what RWR is talking about. Is he saying I should drive up Mauna Kea to discuss construction techniques? Irony or satire? Perhaps hypocrisy?

As I noted yesterday, it's hard to take someone seriously when he can't be bothered to reread a few sentences (and fragments) he wrote, and edit it for coherence. Does it express the message he wished to convey in a way that most people reading it will know what it is he's talking about, with a high degree of certainty? Or will they have to guess their way through the implied intent, purpose, and possible consequences that might result from the actions suggested? It would take under a minute to review a few sentences for clarity. Driving up Mauna Kea from Puna, with no clear purpose defined requires half a day. You're asking a lot from someone, when you're unwilling to put in the least amount of effort yourself.

What is it you're asking? What do you want?
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
I suspect you're being trolled. Meaning no coherent reply will be forthcoming.
I suspect you're being trolled.

RWR is his third username on Punaweb (at least).
Hopefully the next time he’ll simply pick “troll” for his name, after that troll2, then troll3...
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Don't know why everyone is so intent on beating up on DHHL. No, they don't fulfill their mission - but, like most State/County agencies, their leadership is faced with a difficult mission that requires cooperation and support from other (e.g regulatory, accounting, etc.) agencies that are indifferent, if not obstructive, to their mission, while being burdened with inadequate funding, a (mostly) indifferent workforce that they can't discipline or discharge, and a legislature that is more interested in grandstanding and diverting blame for their failures than they are in actually supporting the agencies.

It is a constant source of surprise to me that halfway decent people can be found to manage these agencies - they have to know, going into these positions, that they are going to spend their entire tenure in the job taking abuse from above and below while being able to accomplish 10% of what could be accomplished if we actually had a functioning government...

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