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Anti tmt rally uh dec 5 noon
Yeah. Everyone knows that parking lot on campus, and the apartments across the street are an easy walk to 7-11 and the high school. People hang out there, for sure. Not an anti-TMT press rally, though. Just normal slightly unsavory hang-out, but by no means super bad. I have seen the UHH security keep an eye on things there. It is known, and managed without getting too many people's feathers ruffled. Sounds like the UHH 'rally' was not real to me.

Mauka Hilo-side
Mauka Hilo-side
Tom did u read my last?


dan_d wrote:

"Tom did u read my last?"

Yes, I did. All I know is that the rally was at UH Manoa in Oahu and am not convinced that there was a similar rally at UH Hilo. Therefore, in my mind, someone is making stuff up. Making stuff up = lies = untrustworthy = not the truth => call them out.

I hate dishonesty.
Making stuff up. A catch phrase, losely translated .. i don't understand ( or disagree with ) so i will project and jump to conclusions rather than ask questions and seek facts .. very unscientific approach. Typically emotionally driven.

"Making stuff up. A catch phrase, losely translated .. i don't understand ( or disagree with ) so i will project and jump to conclusions rather than ask questions and seek facts .. very unscientific approach. Typically emotionally driven.

What evidence exists that indicates there was an anti-TMT rally at UH-Hilo on Dec 5th? So far everyone here who works there has said they saw no rally and have also seen no emails, news articles or press releases that have mentioned a rally at UH-Hilo.

That you convert this into "I don't understand", projection or jumping to conclusions pretty much shows that you're not interested in evidence and, like you say, have an opinion driven by emotion.
Im not making anything up. I was told by The outreach tmt person that there would be a rally at UH. I asked if I should attend in tmt positive response. I was told no. I was not informed that it would not be on this island. Therefore I didnt know.

What may have transpired that day at UH hilo I dont know. I would not think mrs mimosa would make up things, but we all exaggerate at times. My fish was bigger than yours etc.

Considering she is elderly i would cut her some slack. She seems to be a caring grandma.


NOTHING HAPPENED AT UH HILO ON THAT DAY. Mimosa DID in fact make this up. And now, the conversation is moving to the University Palms, Baptist Student union area of Kapiolani Street? Oh please. Once again, PLEASE JUST STOP. Stop defending lies. Maybe Rob should just lock this thread up already.
Please lock it. I will be at all the rest of the big island anti TMT rallies. Unless the TMT folks dont want us there, I will give a report for each.

Lockim up please


dan_d - I'm not accusing you of making stuff up. It was another person that posted about a rally at UH Hilo. I'm assuming that the made-up stuff from the other person made you post there were other rallies at other campuses when there weren't, or at least we don't have any evidence for any.

I think bull**** needs to be countered ASAP no matter where it comes from. Those protesting the TMT have posted so many lies about the project that I question their honesty. When those supporting the TMT resort to lying then they no longer represent the TMT but also no longer support science.

The TMT does not need people lying for them and like most scientists, when I see bull**** I'll point it out.
"I was told by The outreach tmt person that there would be a rally at UH."

This is what is known as a rumor. Not even about something that did happen, but about something that might happen. Strange there is continued confusion in some people's minds about all this.

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