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It amazes me how infantile folks that promote the current Republican ideology are. My god, not a one is capable of intelligent thought, let alone actual reasoning. Fear of the old communists version of socialism is a scare tactic being used by sites like Breitbart and Infowars in order to manipulate weak minded individuals that are unable to think for themselves. The entire idea has nothing to do with reality. Just fear mongering, of which, it seem, a good one third of the American public are susceptible to. It is sad.
I see it as a result of our (America's) reduction in the value of education. For more than 50 years our national educational budget has gone down while the military budget has gone up. This entire conversation is a reflection of the results of the dumbing down of American society. It will ultimately be the undoing of, the destruction of, all we hold dear, including mother nature herself.
Rob is right, Hawaii is a great place to watch it all from, especially when we consider the alternatives. But, OMG, it would have been so easy to avoid, except for that silly little thing called freedom. Freedom to be an idiot, to lie, to harm the environment, to take without regard. To be greedy. All those special ways Republicans exercise their freedom.
im NOT name calling:
glinda, ur the posterchild of your own post..
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It's pretty apparent that you're still espousing rhetoric.
I'll give you a hand here.
Socialism -
"a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."
Thus far, I've seen no such economic condition here in the USA that resembles that beyond perhaps in small communities such as Mennonite, Quakers, and perhaps the Amish. Beyond such small finite minority communities, there's nothing to suggest we've socialist systems operating inside the borders of the US.
I know that people often confuse civil services and programs with socialism but such things no more so make the US a socialist society than a public vote makes this republic a democracy.
Many forms of government share common methodologies but that doesn't confer one into the other in the form of hybridization. Though many will try to levie such an arguement, they're ignoring the fundamental foundation which factually defines the true form of governance.
The USA utilizes republican forms of governance, not democracy forms of governance. The phrase representational democracy for example makes about as much sense as the phrase staple clip. Either the fastener is a staple or a clip but theres no such thing as a staple clip.
Each form of governance has a unique set of foundational principles, if those foundational principles aren't present in the form of the governance practiced, then it isn't that form of governance.
So, if you want to contuinue with rhetoric based statements... I'm not interested.
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Socialism is a transitional state to Communism according to Marx. The difference between the two is that all property becomes publicly owned under communism, that includes land, buoldings/everything and the people are paid according to their needs and abilities.
Socialism leads the way with regard to Marxs' class warfare stage. Which is what we see occuring today by Bernie Sanders and the Justice Democrats attacks on class. This is the primary indicator that true Marxism is pushing its way into our republic.
Now, keeping in line with Hawaii. We see the exploitation of climate fear drilled into our kids to silence any opposition to this Marxist based movement. Now, one can choose to ignore this self evident exploitation for political leveraging and cheer it on or they can choose to call it for what it really is, exploitation of children.
I choose the later of the two.
ETA, I left out the classic defining note of the catalyst. Each marxist based movement utilizes class warfare and socialism in the early stages, similar to how a particular unamed religion began and all of these Marxist based movements needed a catalyst. That catalyst is fear. Such fear can be manifest in different ways but each used such a catalyst to push through the envelope, in Nazi germany, it was fear of the Jew and today, we see the fear catalyst within proclaimed systemic racism and climate change fear.
So, we have all the classic markers here today. Folks often sit back and wonder how such tyranny rises, the answer is, exactly how we see it happening today. The final catalyst, fear, to justify the marxist based movement.
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the exploitation of climate fear drilled into our kids to silence any opposition to this Marxist based movement.
And all these years I figured you for a bit more middle of the road kind of guy. Now that I see the light.. wow dude.. frickin' scary.
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This Thursday 3/21 in Hilo Dr James Juvik will discuss the changes on Mauna Kea over the last 50-60 years due to climate change:
The Only Way Is Up
In 1958 the noted Pacific Island botanist Raymond Fosberg recorded the upper altitudinal limits of various native plants growing along the access road to the Maunaloa observatory at the 11,000 ft elevation level. Dr. James Juvik and his team resurveyed the plants again after 50 years (2008) and 60 years (2018).
Details, time & location at link:
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
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I am against the banning of cigarettes, I am against the banning of almost anything that is a personal choice and doesn’t harm others (want to do heroin all day? Go ahead!). But I’m not going to shoot people in order to protect smoking rights. I’m glad you’re not a smoker MarkD.
Most people on this forum have no idea what socialism and communism is. I’ve been there. We’re doing okay, no need to panic.
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Climate Change is now used improperly to cover anthropogenic climate change.
Climate change is something we all learned about back in grade school back in 50s,60s and 70s. It included the charts that showed two ice ages, the second of which we are exiting out of now, and if the geological thermal record data is correct, we're likely no more than a 1/4 of the way heading back to the earths predominate warm record.
So pardon me if I don't allow myself to be alarmed by the Earth current direction in climate that appears to be innperfect alighnment with the former geological record.
I can't take anyone seriously who ignorantly insists on using the term climate change to reference anthropogenic climate change.
Two totally different things.
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I can't take anyone seriously who ignorantly insists
(Fill in the blank)(or blanks as the case may be)
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
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... on calling civil service programs in a Republic, socialism.