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Youth Climate Strike Hawaii
Saw a monarch butterfly yesterday.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Saw a monarch butterfly yesterday.

Heard about the guy who fell off a skyscraper in Honolulu? On his way down, as he passed each floor he kept saying to himself:
So far so good... so far so good... so far so ...
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Keep it Hawaii folks....
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Originally posted by EightFingers

Saw a monarch butterfly yesterday.

When I was a kid we saw hundreds of them every day in the summer. That is NOT an exaggeration. Now it’s like, “Oh quick, look, there’s a butterfly”
From the OP -
"Organizers of the strike say their list of goals is simple, though admittedly lofty: promote the Green New Deal, a legislative proposal introduced by Democratic lawmakers that calls for a shift towards a sustainable environment and economy; encourage world leaders to declare national emergencies on climate change; and to inspire others to use renewable energy sources.

“We have the momentum right now,” said Haven Coleman, the national co-director of the U.S. Youth Climate Strike and a middle school student in Denver, Colorado. “This is our time that we can take action.”

Catch Phrase - Green New Deal, It's "Our Time".
Introduced by democratic legislator.

These are talking points from the Justice Democrats and the Democrat legislators that introduced the Green New Deal were brought to the House of represenatives by the Justice Democrats.
The Justice Democrats are the central interest of these school kids who are striking.

So, knowing more about those who are influencing youth across Hawaii to climate strike is of interest to us here in Hawaii.

[deleted by moderator, not Hawaii related]

The Justice Democrats are the central interest of these school kids who are striking.

Still chasing ghosts are ya kane? 'tis a shame you haven't realized the central interest of these school kids who are striking is the environment! Can't you just leave all your fear mongering under your pillow, or in your closet, or wherever you keep your boogiemen these days? It has no place here.
Glinda, the fact you can't accept the fact that the ORGANIZERS of the strike are citing the very talking points of the Justice Democrats is pathetic and you attempting to turn this into a simple issue where our youth aren't being conscripted by a political organization is pathetic.

You are attmepting to shut down discourse based on wilful ignorance and your religiously held beliefs in anthropogenic climate change.
Extremist are a dime a dozen these days. From Anti-Vaxers, to Climate Alarmist.
For F sakes, anyone who has a moderate opinion is thrown into one extreme camp or the other.

It's so bad now, if you hold the position that many vaccines are good but a few are questionanle, you're a science denier and tossed into the anti vaccine crowd.
Hell for that matter, if you thing surgery is great for life threatening conditions but you're not so keen on cosmetic surgery, you're tossed into the extremist pile of being anti-modern medicine.
If you hold the view that natural climate change is just a fact of reality but that anthropogenic climate change is negligible with regard to CO2 yet think micro plastics in the ocean have a far worse impact on anthropogenic climate change, you're tossed into the Anti-science bin.

If you point out the connections between politics influence in research, you're tossed into the radical right wing anti science bin.

It's effing pathetic. Real meaningful discourse is no lknger possible in this country because too many people are far too emotionally invested in issues that should be adressed through thought rather than emotion.
Wao nahele kane - This is a video that explains the Justice Democrats, the ones influencing climate strike ORGANIZERS as outline in OP.

A youtube-actor, using the moniker of an actor-turned-politician, accusing Ocasio-Cortez of being an actor-of-a-politician, in defense of a reality-tv actor-president. Queue the Inception music - (Dream is Collapsing seems to fit)

At least these kids are applying themselves to a cause. Why can't the conservatives in Hawaii find a message that is able to resonate with all these young and impressionable minds?
And if anyone questions the veracity of the climate alarmist movement, they're radicals that must be silenced at all costs!

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