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DLNR purchases L-RAD sound cannon
According to the web site, the LRAD can be used for.

Communicating at safe distances to groups or individuals in their native language.
Determining intent from within the safety of armored vehicles.
Broadcasting warning tones to deter and disperse hostile crowds.
Creating large standoff zones.
Establishing and enforcing perimeter security using LRAD as an acoustic fence.
Area denial.
Checkpoint security.
Convoy protection & communications.
Cordon and search operations.
Military Information Support Operations (MISO/PSYOP)

Police applications are much the same as military applications.

How it works..

This entire thread has sound reasoning.
Originally posted by geochem

The usual strategy by the obstructionists: make sh** up and demand that they be proven wrong... Thanks for helping spread lies EW...

When the "leader of the free world" does it, what do we expect of mere lessor mortals?

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
Originally posted by glinda

The usual strategy by the obstructionists Republican: make sh** up and demand that they be proven wrong...

glinda is upset only because Republicans are beating the leftists at a game they (the Democrats) invented...
are sub-woofers really sound cannons?

Completely different: subwoofers are covered by HCC 14-18, equipment used by law enforcement is not.

(a) It shall be a violation of law for any person or persons to play, use, operate, or permit to be played, used, or operated, any radio, tape recorder, cassette player, or other machine or device for reproducing sound, if:
(1) Such machine or device is located in or on:
(A) Any public property, including any public street, highway, building, sidewalk, park, or
thoroughfare; or
(B) Any motor vehicle on a public street, highway, or public space; and
(2) The sound generated by such machine or device is audible at a distance of fifty feet from the machine or device producing the sound.

It’s an F’ing speaker. Why do the nut jobs get so much attention
A large volume of opinions here. Resonating much logic. We're all good speakers at times.
You're just sounding off, terracore.
Just random noise breaking through the static and reverberating nonsense.
You guys need to turn down the volume.

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