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DiveHilo Scuba Club
Thanks for your support Bill. I want everyone to know I'm not bashing any one particular member of this great club. I'm simply pointing out what I think are the basics of safety that I thought everyone already knew. And yes Bill, anytime one diver calls off a dive, they and thier buddy should return to shore "together".
There are certain rules that should apply when we are diving, and if someone feels they are above those rules, or that the rules don't apply to them, I for one don't want to have that individual diving in our group. I'm not going to sit by and say nothing because it might hurt someones feelings. If I do and something happens to a member of our club, I'm just as guilty as that reckless, careless and incompetant diver who causes injury to another diver. Safety should be paramount and foremost on everyones mind at our club's gatherings. Not only for the divers in the water, but for the keiki playing near shore, and the kayaker's further out. We have people who don't even go in the water. Why not have designated people on shore keeping a eye on some of the activities that require it. A few common sense rules and we can assure our club of having many years of trouble free "Good Times".

ps. Just one more thing......Yes it deals with " SAFETY "........State law requires divers to take a dive flag out with them each time they dive......Was the law broken "AGAIN" by our club like it was on the first dive meeting? If so, Why? I personally mentioned this violation to members after the last dive. Is this what we want this club to do? Is this what we want to show new members? This is a definite wake up call like Bill said. I think each of us needs to decide in what direction we want the club to go. After all, without the support of the members, there is no club.

I'm hoping we all choose the safe way, for the clubs sake, and the sake of the members in it.

We get out of life......What we put into it

For someone who has yet to make a dive with our group you sure have a lot to say. Is safety important? Yes certainly it is. The 2 dives that I made on the first outing were done in a very safe manor. The four people who participated acted in a very professional and SAFE manor so I'm not sure where you're coming from.

I'm not sure how much diving you have actually done yourself but becoming separated from your dive buddy does happen from time to time. You go and find your dive buddy again and that's the end of it.

You say "I want everyone to know I'm not bashing any one particular member of this great club." Well it sure comes across that way. What's your beef exactly?


DiveHilo Dive Club Website:

Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".
As winter approaches, the wind and the waves and the weather down there will get wilder and wilder and wilder. You can pretty much bank on it.

A possible, alternate, last-minute switch-spot for you folks (should conditions warrant it) is Puhi Bay (between the docks and the turn-off for Onekahakaha).

No fancy showers or restrooms and such, but a reasonable dive for the die-hards among you (if it hasn't been raining too much in the previous week) and a terrific place to slide the kayaks in.

Possible problem?
(...there's always a problem!)
No lifeguard(s).

The messed-up kayak? Check with Kelly Harrison of P&P Kayak (880-1400). If it's of the sit-on-top polyethylene variety (Ocean Kayak, Perception, Spectrum, and the like), and it's not too old and brittle, he should be able to weld it up for you (and supply any life-jackets/tow-lines/etc that you may need).

And as far as the dive-safety-thing? Whew. I dunno. Even after 20+ years, I'll never ever be an expert...(...but Ha!...that could very well be because I'll so often just call a dive off and go for a hike instead!)

Take care out there, good people.


Edited by - malolo on 10/03/2006 20:26:42
Hi All!

Had a great dive, talked for a while and scooted off to another shore to go bodysurfing for a while. Saw some nice stuff, was a little disappointed to come up and find the lifeguard chastising the group. I think this can be a thing to be taken well and acted on proactively. Pam, Dan, and I all talked happily and about dive safety after the dive and agreed on some methods of managing our visual ranges and pacing so as to avoid losing one another.

The visibility was poor this last dive, that's why we were seperated, out failing was in how to deal with this when it occurs. Things like this are what you take for granted when you one dives with the same people/buddies for a while. We are a new club and will work through all that. I don't have a printer, but was thinking that we might make up a short ettiquite list for the club. What to do if you're seperated from your buddy, hand-signals, dangerous spots at Richardson's, alcohol policy, etc... Nothing like rules or such, we are a group of adults (kinda right!), intelligent fun-lovers. There are extremely varied levels of ocean experience amongst us. This is a great chance for everyone to learn and appreciate this wonderful ocean. I really envy the children who get to grow up here.

We are group of equals, as such everyone matters. Pam mentioned some were uncomfortable with the presence of alcohol, especially since we had already warranted lifeguard attention. I had a beer, i ask if anyone is uncomfortable with one or two beers (only!) after a dive in plastic cups. I submit to the will of the group. I am somewhat uncomfortable with glass at the park and irritating the lifeguards by flagrantly violating the alcohol ban. I think a compromise can be reached. I look forward to our next dive.

I saw a leg-sized stonefish (poisonous), an octopus, a small lobster (HA! Pam!), a huge school of tangs, a big group of starfish, a pair of banded-coral shrimp, and a type of corralimorph i hadn't seen in Hawaii yet. I also found a really interesting canyon filled with rocks, crashing waves, and fish.

When i went to refill tanks the guy at Nautilus expressed some trepidation at a rumor that we are promoting/hunting at Richardson's. I told him that no one would probably turn away a lobster dinner, but that no one was spearing or promoting at Richardson's. I think his fear was for children and the already severely depleted reef at Richardson's. I agree with this. I told him that we were environmentalist first. I generally shoot with a camera. I, other divers, our new sponsor and the gentleman at the dive shop are all in favor of ocean hunting/gathering. But i think we can all agree that the hunting is best elsewhere where there are more things to actually go after. Lobsters are marine cockroaches and breed about as quickly. Most other game is more sensitive. I for one am not concerned and hope that others are not. Perhaps a dialogue can be started. I plan on buying more dive lights soon for our group to use (a silent thank-you for the members who have let me use their gear). If we see lobsters on our night dive, i'll take one. A legal size one, if i feel like it. I'll frisk Pam down after the dive, and make sure she doesn't have more than ten in her wetsuit and BCD. Maybe i'll eat a raw shrimp or urchin to show my appreciation of fresh ebi and uni.

Lastly, i just want to say thanks to all the great folks who show up! (and even you cool ones who can't make it). As to pansies like Andrew and Mark who think it's excuesable to miss a dive! "Embolisms and broken bones? WHIMPS!" You shoulda' seen the hangnail i had getting in the water! after my hands got all raisiney it was like, twice as big! Between that and all the blood in the water from some crazy kayake, phew... You guys are gonna get it next time i see you, no hot dogs for you! Wink Chili! Where were you? I had at least three people ask me about where you were? I had to make up stories! Your energy was missed. We'll see you next time.

Mahalo to all,


p.s. i really need to get a BCD, reg, and octopus, (cheap) so if anyone see's anything please contact me.

Well Andrew, apparently you didn't get it. So I'll say it again for your benifit. My beef was..........SAFETY>>>>SAFTEY>>>>SAFETY

Now that thats out of the way, just one more thing. I didn't know that someone had to dive with this group to be able to voice their opinions. And as far as my experience goes, I'm a PADI Instructor who has certified hundreds of safe divers. I have been diving since 1962. I got got my first open water diver card in 72' ( I lost that and they re-issued another in 77') Their records weren't so good back then so they just left it as certified in 1977. I still have that card. Now you say you don't know how many dives I've done. Re-read the above, it might come to you.

To Malolo, good post. Puhi Bay has one other thing about it you didn't mention. It's next to the old sewage sanitation unit. Whew! It stinks. Very strong oder coming from that area. You're also right about the winter months approaching. Bringing with them more dangerous diving conditions. So take heed everyone. The ocean conditions will be changing.

And now to Hazen. What can I say. Leave it you to put into words what we wanted to hear. There was discussion regarding our behavior at the beach and possible solutions to try to correct them. Your positive outlook on life and the way you express it is truely refreshing. I do appreciate the way you responded to my message about the safety issue. You responded in a positive manner about what my concerns were. Not by asking "What's my beef". But we need to address these issues with all of the members, not just a select few. I'm sure that if everyone involved could sit down together, there would be a floodgate opened up with great ideas and suggestions. And now for a little surprise. I have put together a dive package for you. If we can come to terms on the price (cheap) it's yours. Call me

To all others out there, be happy, and dive safe, Aloha, ....

We get out of life......What we put into it

You sound like a scolding old schoolmarm. LOL.


DiveHilo Dive Club Website:

Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".

Nice Synopsis of the second meeting. I added it to the "Past Outings" page on the website.


DiveHilo Dive Club Website:

Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".
WOW! I never thought I would hear name calling amongst this group. It seems as though what Chili was saying has been misconstrued. From what I know of Chili, he has a great passion for diving, and an even greater passion for the well being of those who dive, as a good friend would. It's not uncommon for deaths to occur during dives,to highly skilled divers, often from the most unexpected of circumstances. I for one appreciate the level of concern that Chili expressed, and it is unfortunate that it was taken in a bad way. Just my two cents.

Hazen, my thanks for summing up what was really a wonderful day. Life is NEVER perfect, thats what makes it so incredibly interesting.

This is a special group and I hope it continues to evolve and move forward. I enjoyed each and every single person I’ve met at these gatherings and am eagerly looking forward to the next one.


“Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.” Jack Handey

Edited by - sittall on 10/04/2006 19:35:50
I have about a dozen pictures from the second outing where do I send them to have them posted on the web site?

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....

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