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Big Island coral shows signs of stress
"All i know is.
We lost miles of some of the oldest and most beautiful reefs and tide pools when the lava took them out.

Dan - there's a big difference between man-made climate change affecting coral reefs and the effect lava flows have on local coral reefs. The former means we should do something about it, the latter is due to nature and we shouldn't interfere. Just my opinion.
Everybody has an opinion. Im just hoping people will see that we can help the ocean.
I will do my part. I have been lucky to see some of the most incred8ble corals in the Hawaiian Archepeligo.

If we let nature do her best, without our help ur grandkids ,kids will have coral 5 inches long. Only if the present coral can continue to survive ,which it wont. We have to be ones gonna do it for us.

We will have to raise and plant out many thousands of coral pieces to help rebuild the reef. This side of the island has corals, in some places they have had it bad, Hamakua is one. The hard reefs there are just kinda holding on.

Lots of reef kona side. But do to it BEing hotter water that side, some areas devastated.

I will be doing this till i die.

We take for granted the beautiful

Lets heal her


Reef Madness [Sad]
Land madness, ocean calmness, every time i go in


There’s hope for our coral reefs...

“For the first time ever, scientists have found corals that were thought to have been killed by heat stress have recovered, a glimmer of hope for the world's climate change-threatened reefs.”

“...researchers found that in 38 percent of the impacted colonies, the polyps had devised a survival strategy: shrinking their dimensions, partly abandoning their original skeleton, and gradually, over a period of several years, growing back and starting a new skeleton.”
More news on coral bleaching with photos, and animations of ocean heat and bleaching conditions. So far Maui and Oahu seem most affected, although Kona side is as well:
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
I was diving on the Kona side last week. Eel Cove was 81 degrees, Turtle Pinnacle was 82, Aquarium 81. Previously, this time of year the temps would have been in the mid-to-high 70s.
Actually, not in the 70's.More like 78. Its been 81.5 to 83.1 all oct on bouy off hilo. It reports temp and swell



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