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Wuhan Corona Virus Coming Soon? (Now Here)
TomK did bring up a good point about the quarantine option over available beds in the hospitals.
Where on the island would be the quarantine options for the folks who may need to be quarantined due to this Coronavirus?
Puhakuloa military base may have housing units and safety measures in place. The Kulani prison may also be an option as it is isolated a bit as well. Maybe The Super Ferry could be bought back from the Military.
it gets to that point, you can bet it will be close to a place the bodies can be burned easily.

Old newspaper clipping
close to a place the bodies can be burned

Puna Pono Alliance better hold a preliminary meeting, prep some strategies & initiatives. Maybe a fundraiser so they can order some new handheld meters from Amazon, and measure what’s in the smoke.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Puna Pono Alliance better hold a preliminary meeting...

Only if the burned bodies generate electricity. Otherwise it sounds more like desecration, so "the" Hawaiians need to assemble a protest camp/festival with the usual live music, dancing, free food, etc.
Before anyone says "how insensitive", please consider that a coronavirus protest festival would be at least as effective as the County's "don't catch the virus" pamphlet.
This Coronavirus is a whole lot more contagious than previously thought by many. Over 800 have died with more than 35K infected. This Coronavirus has now killed more world wide than SARS.
Today an American died in Wuhan China. Also a Doctor from John Hopkins said this Virus is here to stay and will act seasonal for years to come. If this Coronavirus hits the Island The hospitals may be the kind of place to avoid if your sick or hurt.
"Nosocomial Transmission" means don't get caught in the hospital.
Dr. Francis Boyle/ Professor. He is making some large waves in the ncov discussions, behind the scenes of course.

He drafted the U.S. domestic implementing legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention, known as the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, that was approved unanimously by both Houses of the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush.

AM, PhD Harvard University
JD Harvard Law School
AB University of Chicago

Constitutional Law (U.S. Foreign Affairs)
Human Rights
U.S. Foreign Affairs - his relevance to Hawaii.

I watched his interview. Very interesting and disturbing.

Interesting info out of Russia that seems to fall in line to some degree with what Boyle is saying.

Zvezda, a news outlet funded by the Russian Defense Ministry, published an article late last month titled “Coronavirus: American biological warfare against Russia and China.” The author begins by establishing alleged intent: the virus dealt a blow to the Chinese economy, which weakens Beijing’s negotiating hand in the next round of trade talks to follow the recent signing of the phase one deal between Washington and Beijing.

How does it feel to be a tool of the Russians?
"Interesting info out of Russia that seems to fall in line to some degree with what Boyle is saying."

In the meantime:

"Coronavirus: WHO chief warns against 'trolls and conspiracy theories'"

"He said misinformation around the new strain, 2019-nCoV, "causes confusion and spreads fear to the general public".

"At the WHO we're not just battling the virus, we're also battling the trolls and conspiracy theories that undermine our response," he added.

Although Puna and Hawaii Island is at a low risk, at this point, for people catching the virus, it seems many people here have caught another "virus", one much more dangerous. And it has a name:

Credentes socialis media rumoribus

Unless treated quickly, it turns into:

coniuratio theoricus or


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