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Wuhan Corona Virus Coming Soon? (Now Here)
Well i'm not sure why TomK claims that i am a reincarnation of another user. To each their own i guess. LOL

For what it's worth, here are the latest Coronavirus numbers:
42K infected
2K cured
1K dead
28 countries

These numbers are stagering if you consider the amount of time since the Coronavirus was first reported or documented.

Thanks for wishing the Corona virus on me, gypsy aka dreamcatcher. I hope you're enjoying your minimum wage job at the golf course on the mainland.

People may think conspiracy theories and stupid rumors are harmless but they are not. The anti-vaccination kookspiracy has led to thousands of unnecessary deaths, many of them children. Already with this virus some people online are recommending gargling with bleach but Big Pharma is trying to block this miracle cure. Sometimes I wonder if it's just the Russians trying to find out how gullible people are. The answer is: very.

Maybe it's just me but this virus doesn't seem to be spreading as fast as people first thought, which is great. Our interconnected world would make things very easy for a supercontagious bug. Hopefully Hawaii can sit this one out.
Why Bleach when there are so many fine whiskeys to pour down your throat that are arguably less harmful? 'darwin's curse'
islandlvng - I guess everyone forgets where the sars EPIDEMIC came from. A lab. [...] April 23, 2004

You either don't realize, or don't care, that this event in 2004 was 18 months after the first reports in 2002 of what became known as SARS. It happened just weeks before the end of the epidemic was announced . So obviously not evidence that SARS originated, or was made, in a lab, although it was studied in many of them DURING and AFTER the epidemic.

As they are both coronaviruses from bat populations, of course nCov and SARS coronaviruses have similar genomes. There are many strains of SARS-related coronavirses discovered in the last 15 years. Still not evidence for nCov being a lab engineered bioweapon.

So it seems you REALLY don't understand the science involved, or perhaps have a profit motive for pushing the lab weapon conspiracy. Unless you have some other explanation for buying into and pushing this theory so hard?

Again, if those out there are so concerned then make some preparations (just like was advised by the Hawaii DOH for any pandemic flu) and take steps to minimize the likelihood of contracting or transmitting it. Even just getting outside and away from the fear-mongering nonsense for some sun and Vitamin D would do everyone good!
Monday 2/10/20 2:30 pm

Just saw this on Big Island Now website, 26 being monitored in Hawaii . . .

Excerpt: . . . "the 26 individuals had each visited China within the last 14 days. . . None of the 26 have yet shown symptoms and are administering self-quarantines in their homes."

I'm not feeling very good about "self monitoring" in their homes. I'm sure all of the neighbors appreciate that. Crazy.
They mention in the article that they have a quarantine zone in pearl harbor. does that mean anyone who has it will be flown there? Is this the reason the individuals have not been tested for fear of being locked up?
Dreamcatcher88 is a reincarnation of gypsy69. I'm shocked more people don't realize this.
Can you provide a source or foundation to support your theory?

I agree with TomK, I also think it’s gypsy, and suspected as much after his first few posts under Dreamcatcher88.

Most people have a distinctive writing style. Certain phrasing, unique word usage, or punctuation. It’s like a tell in poker, beyond the ability of the player, or in this case the writer, to hide. I’m not a betting man, but I’d wager a big bag of money it’s gypsy.

It’s funny you asked for proof, as over the years gypsy posted literally thousands of unverified, unproven claims, and refused to reply when questioned about it.

The boys are back in town, gypsy, pog, dakine, even Open-D has popped up recently under a new username.

I hope Bill Shakespeare won’t mind if I adapt his line from Henry V:
You few, you happy few, you banned of brothers;
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
we even had opihikaobob show up down in politics!

maybe there was a meeting recently down at the sanctuary in kalapana and they all came back in town?
HOTPE, Thanks for the laugh out loud.

No Gambling aloud in the state of Hawaii and Hawaii certainly is not bluffing when it comes to this Coronavirus. The first person suspected of possibly carrying this virus is now being quarantined on Oahu. Some 26 others currently in the state of Hawaii are also being watched and monitored for any Coronavirus symtems.
Dreamcatcher I certainly hope the local quarantine efforts are sufficient. Not happy at all about the China flights coming to Honolulu. Why does anyone need to travel from China to the USA at this point? I'm assuming they have personal agendas such as business, education, even health volunteers. I know it's a big country but the virus is still on the move in China so why risk bringing it to another continent?

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