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Wuhan Corona Virus Coming Soon? (Now Here)
I couldn't figure out how the CDC and DOH on news programs could say that masks don't work. That seemed so strange and made no sense. Of course masks aren't 100% effective but it's better than not wearing one at all. If the US doesn't have enough masks for the public then we can make our own or even use a bandana for a little protection. Why do they have to lie? How could they think the average person could believe what they said? Also, I'm totally freaked out over all the embarrassingly inappropriate statements that have come out of Trump's mouth. No matter how bad things are, he's always patting himself on the back. Why was something like him ever elected President of our home?[Sad]
I know I'll get hate from someone for saying that, but I don't care -
"our selfish I got mine screw you society"
You mean like hoarding masks during a pandemic when the government repeatedly tells us not to?
sistersue, On Punaweb we try to avoid national politics and largely have done so for the last fifteen years. Please try to keep it Hawaii.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

Like I've said before, tone is tricky in electronic communications so I wouldn't read too much into how it might sound. Every statement probably has more question marks and winks than can be easily put into punctuation? Wink ? no really, Wink maybe?

Again, I'm all for free speech - but that cuts both ways. You seem to want to say anything without reproach, but sorry brother no one gets a free pass, you or me included. I can be a sanctimonious asshole, feel free to call me one - corona may take our lives, but it'll never take our freedom!!!

Statistics are simply an insufficient tool for accurately recording or representing such an event as this. While they may be true, the numbers are such a narrow slice of this reality as to be largely meaningless. It's like reducing 9/11 to a delta of the twin tower's height before and after. While that was the end result, is that all it really was about?

I don't think you're in the ostrich camp at all as you've said you're (begrudgingly) willing to social distance (despite not believing in the reasonings or not liking being told what to do or something?) While I have been to a few stores and even the post office in the last few weeks (no home delivery for me), I run a pretty tight disinfecting protocol at every stop as I've done all this for a living for many years. Sorry, not everyone has worked in biologically hazardous environments before - I have and am pretty confidant that I am not one of the Outbreak monkeys on the loose.

So while you're not an ostrich, I just find the weeds you're detailing to be trivial in the big picture of things. Money is made up and has no inherent value - if you don't believe so, just go talk to the Fed as they create trillions of dollars out of thin air this month alone. So yes, there are economic consequences that are part of this, but there is also a bottomless tap that can inflate our way out of it, which is now under direction of the Treasury. Alan Greenspan told us all this years ago, wasn't anyone listening?

So the almost worthless paper doesn't factor much into my equations, while the human experience does, especially minimizing human suffering. Should we feed, educate, and house more people at all times, of course. But it's not a lack of resources, it's a lack of empathy that prevents this. Anyone who says otherwise is alright, jack, just keep your hands off of my stack.

I'm not a xxxJ or -A in any sense (I let the missus handle that stuff). I'm deep INTP-T - find the underlying truth and rules be damned when they don't help. Right now there are a lot of old rules and norms that aren't helping and preventing people and society as a whole to face up reality and make the changes needed. The sooner we all realize this and adapt the better off everyone will be and I make no apologies for taking up the soap box or megaphone to say so.

tl;dr - people over profit, do the right thing
Originally posted by PaulW

"our selfish I got mine screw you society"
You mean like hoarding masks during a pandemic when the government repeatedly tells us not to?

Who's hoarding? What are you taking about? Your insistent need to shame, and otherwise be an a**hole is understood, it's all you have ever done here. But who is hoarding, Paul?

Oh, I know, you think I am.. Hahaha you are so silly Paul. You don't know anything, about me, about anyone, as I don't know zip about you, other than you are an angry hateful, spiteful old man.
Why do they have to lie?

<< Opinion, based on no access to inventory numbers, or reports from the CDC>>

If the CDC had recommended we all wear masks 2 or 3 weeks ago, the result would have been mass pandemonium because... not enough masks were available. People would have gone out to stores every day, standing (fighting?) in lines in an attempt to buy them. That reaction would have contradicted the most effective advice available, stay-at-home. Hoarding of masks would have been even more severe, the supply for doctors and nurses even further reduced.

So the CDC choose instead to say masks are not all that effective. In a way that’s correct and not a complete lie when it’s compared with the effectiveness of stay-at-home.

The supply of masks is now increasing by the day and I wouldn’t be surprised if a new protocol is announced, which recommends we wear masks when out in public. If that does happen, and it takes place before cases peak, a large population of non-symptomatic carriers will begin wearing masks along with the rest of us. That may have the greatest impact on reducing the curve, as they’re feeling healthy so are out in public buying groceries, etc. From what I’ve read, trapping the virus with a mask when infected people exhale, is slightly more effective than filtering air as healthy people inhale.

Timing is everything. But if you’re pulling a rabbit out of a hat, you need the rabbit first.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Why do they have to lie?

Because they can.. and do, endlessly. Because people love being lied to.

Opinion? Mr. Edge, you failed the test. Sorry. Do you want to try again?

Is it my opinion that Leilani is in LZ1? Is it my opinion that subdivisions in LZ1 are in the greatest danger of being overrun by lava? No, those are facts. As clear, and as simple as the fact the CDC has been lying to us. No opinions at all. Facts.

I should add... before the eruption that wiped out Lower Puna people told me it was my 'opinion' that Leilani was in a very dangerous situation, that if the eruption moved downrift from Oo it was very likely going to impact lots and lots of people. All written off as an opinion, one people felt unfounded and not worth their attention.
The CDC has not been lying to anybody. People who refuse to listen to experts, hmm, who does that remind me of?
News story about face masks today:

The CDC is now considering recommendations that the general public wear face coverings when outside. Health experts say even homemade masks can stop you from touching your face.#8233;"The countries that are mandating masks or more used to wearing masks just as a general cultural acceptance are bending the curve faster than countries than those that are not so if I had to give you my opinion, wear a mask," he said.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
DOH/Civil Beat maps of covid-19 infections around the state...

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