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Wuhan Corona Virus Coming Soon? (Now Here)
who is coming up with this?

Dr. Seuss?
Originally posted by ironyak

kander - And those who got the A version and recovered can they be re-infected with the B virus and survive?

What's this now? A strains, B strains - who is coming up with this?

Its following a similar pattern to what Spanish flu did.
the first wave of infections was bad, but not too bad in comparison.. those who were not exposed to the first wave, suffered greatly. When things start opening up and lock down ends, the new strains will start to show up like a harbinger of doom.. maybe thats too dark of wording?

Ps.. glinda, **** off.
Yeah - that's from the UK Cambridge publication here:

You see anything there that says these strains are functionally different in a way that would affect their infectivity or leathality?

The UK lab (along with many others) have grouped the hundreds of different covid genomes into various broad families that are "similar" enough, but none of these groups have been shown to have any functional differences, just differences in distributions (unless you have a link to a scientific source that says otherwise?)

Taiwan South China scientists earlier named strains A - E with a similar, but different take on the data. So which is better? How do these groupings matter?

ETA: Here's a link to the other grouping work I mentioned (see pretty pictures at bottom of pdf for a quick take on it)
Ps.. **** off.

I suspect, upon reflection, kander would say I am his (is kander a he?) petty tyrant! Kinda irritating the sh*t out of 'em, eh? But upon further reflection I suspect the problem is deeper.. Consider, if you will, this article in Aljazeera (yeah I know, not those pesky Arabs again):

America isn't just a failing state, it is a failed experiment
(no paywall there, have at it)

In which the bigger issues of our dysfunction are explored from a Covid19 perspective. I think this sentence is apropos..

"The COVID-19 outbreak has highlighted another epidemic that has plagued American society - American narcissism, a disease that has been growing since the founding of Jamestown..."

My suggestion, calm down kander, we're all in this together, Arab, Jew, Christian, Hawaiians, and jerks like me alike..

the 4/14 paper

seems to indicate that the new strains are in fact becoming more deadly. And seems to be based on the the much of the work the previous papers had published. buyer beware its not peer reviewed, but empirical data just on death counts in regions of infections seems to support the hypothesis that the B strain is indeed more deadly than what was the first strain (A). (Not to discount the other 30+ or so strains in the wild)

There is also direct correlation (as with any disease) that its viral loading or infection rate (stated 250x on mutant strains) creates an environment that overwhelms the body before the natural immune response can kick in. Strain A was already bad for creating a cytokine storm, 250x infection load rate seems to be apocalyptic in comparison.

Would you agree or not on that hypothesis?
glinda, You expect to make swipes at people all the time and then not expect push back. And when they do you call them mini tyrants. Ok, play the victim.
Thats the reason the American experiment is coming undone. People dont take responsibility for their actions. Its always someone elses fault.

Roger that kander. If you would like you can blame it all on me. Could be fun, eh?

But then, maybe you could see the wisdom is not placing blame. Don't you just hate the blame game? I do (raised way too many children). So I'll tell you what we can do...

Let's say that we share the blame. You can have it all on Monday's and I'll take Tuesday, and maybe ironyak would like to play too? He can take Wednesday! Can you imagine TomK volunteering to take a day?

Anyways, it's Tuesday... blame away!
Originally posted by ironyak

...Over 40,000 Americans dead over the last 4 months from this disease with extraordinary efforts made to reduce transmission - still not just the flu bro.

East Coast lockdowns occurred 4 weeks after dozens of spreaders from Europe had arrived, so these efforts were probably too late to prevent most of the infections and deaths.

Originally posted by kander

good points, we may not know how well the lockdown actually worked because the only other country that did not was Sweden. not really a big enough sampling of data to clearly show...

There could be some concern in the future as the virus mutates into stronger more virulent strains ..

I don't think Iceland or Netherlands did full lockdowns either. Of course, they have banned large gatherings and adopted common sense social distancing measures as seen elsewhere in the world.

Saw a video recently with German scientist who was suggesting coronavirus may be weakening, becoming less virulent rather than more so.
Originally posted by hokuili

You know, at some point the flu, the regular ol' flu, has got to feel like it's getting the short end of the stick...

One side benefit of the lock downs/social distancing going on due to covid19 will be a lot less flu illness and deaths too. It seems to be good sport around here to deride people for downplaying covid19 so turn about is fair play. Look how many people in Hawaii died from flu a couple years ago-over 600!

Flu is serious business too.

The article you linked from NYT re hypoxia with covid19 had one passage you left out that intrigued me: "Patients compensate for the low oxygen in their blood by breathing faster and deeper — and this happens without their realizing it."

How the fawk can someone not realize what's going on with their respiration? I don't get it.

For sure, that's the scariest aspect of this disease. Maybe a pulse oximeter and oxygen tank would be good items for the home emergency medical supplies.

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