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COVID-19 confirmed in Hawaii: 607+ cases 16 deaths
That's the same Governor Ige who wants to open up the tourist business with a plan that even the usually lame Honolulu newspaper editorial writers described as having some "big loopholes." All the visitors are supposed to be tested, and those who aren't will be told to quarantine upon arrival. Problem is, we don't have personnel or any other mechanism to enforce that. Some plan.

I know the economic consequences of not reopening the tourist trade would be dire. But think of it this way: They may not come back for a long time anyway, and imagine how quiet things will be with no tourists and 15-20 percent of the population moved away due to no jobs.
Ige's plan is window dressing designed to placate the tourism industry. Notice how they still don't have a "testing partner" lined up, much less one that can store test results in the "secure database" so that our newly-minted border control can "validate" the results?

That's before opening the can of worms that is HIPAA...
Hawaii today experienced the worst spike in new corona virus cases since the pandemic began, at 41, with 38 on Oahu, 2 on Kauai, and 1 here on the Big Island. Josh Green is worried and talking about rolling back the reopening of the state economy. So far Ige is, as usual, somewhere contemplating his navel, or at least out of sight. Here's the link to HNN:

Most of the increase is being attributed to younger citizens not wearing masks or observing social distancing, but the sheer amount of community is very worrying to state health officials.
I think this is perfect for Australia....and should be enacted here in Hawaii also for international and mainland tourists!!

"New South Wales, the most-populous state, recorded five new cases on Sunday, as it moved to charge all travelers flying in from overseas A$3,000 ($2,100) for a mandatory two-week quarantine in hotels."
Hawaii has a state law requiring masks so I’m not sure if we’ll get the Walmart Health Ambassadors at our store in Hilo, but the retailer announced today:

Walmart will begin requiring that all of its customers wear masks in its stores, starting on Monday.
The new rule from the nation’s largest retailer, which has more than 5,000 stores nationwide, is a strong statement about wearing masks in public space at a time when the issue has become politicized.

The company said it was creating a new job called a “health ambassador.” That person will be stationed next to the front door and will remind customers of the new rule.
“Ambassadors will receive special training to help make the process as smooth as possible for customers,’’ Walmart said, and “will work with those who show up at a store without a face covering to find a solution that works for everyone.”
The retailer did not immediately identify what those possible solutions might be or say that it would provide masks to customers who didn’t have one.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
They may not be calling them "ambassadors" here, but there are already personnel at the Walmart door serving this purpose. Same at Safeway and Target.
They may not be calling them "ambassadors" here...

I would call them The Protectors.  It could provide an example of how actual protecting is accomplished.  Identify a problem (COVID-19), find the best way to mitigate (require masks and hand sanitizer when entering a store), and make essential shopping as safe as possible.  Rather than blockade Chinatown in Honolulu.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
I'm glad individual companies are stepping up to fill the leadership vacuum. As long as there is any wiggle room, people will still fight to not follow the recommendations for the most inane reasons. Like the guy I know that won't take any future vaccine because "Bill Gates is going to put GPS microchips in it."

I think this pandemic has made me realize how many people in our community struggle with basic reasoning, or put their political identity ahead of simple human kindness.
Hah! You think it's bad here? It's GOOD here!

A friend that lives on the East Coast says that it's just like it never happened. NO ONE wears masks or social distances, despite the governor's order.

It's all "a hoax".
I mean, what would be the reason for such a hoax? Put a bunch of consumers out of work? Doesn't make sense.

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