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COVID-19 confirmed in Hawaii: 607+ cases 16 deaths
(08-18-2020, 08:01 AM)TomK Wrote: ...And don't get me started on Ige's indecisiveness. It's almost criminal in my opinion.
Go right ahead.  
Couldn't handle TMT so he pawned it off on poor ole Harry.
Crap response to false missile warning.
Continues to drag his feet on Covid traveler testing, no articulated plan in the least, now pulling the plug once again on Sep. 1 changes.
This wishy washy mofo has got to go.
The number of known COVID-19 cases in Hilo is low, but stay vigilant, it's the hidden cases that are leading to community spread.  An unknown number of hidden cases:

On today’s update of COVID-19, the number of active cases, on Hawaii Island, monitored by the Department of Health is twenty-three. There are four new cases of Coronavirus on Hawaii Island. All four of these cases have been identified as Hilo based. These new cases are not associated with any known clusters and are considered community spread.
When Covid rumours go wrong:

I think this is an argument for better information from DoH, so people in social media aren't left to speculate.
Saturday’s numbers, mostly Honolulu, but not a good sign:

According to Lt. Gov. Josh Green, today's testing positive rate from a batch of 2,634 is 10.8%--the highest since the beginning of the pandemic.
Interesting editorial today in Star Advertiser from Dr. Jonathan Dworkin, an infectious diseases doctor, he was the antimicrobial stewardship physician for The Queen’s Medical Center from 2015 to 2020 and he now lives on the Big Island.
Here’s an example of your Hawaii government officials at work, protecting you from COVID-19:

As she turned around to leave, a police car pulled up. A Honolulu police officer got out, told her she had broken the law for stepping off the sidewalk and into the park and issued her a criminal citation, Suthard said. 
Beaches, Parks, Trails Closed? Honolulu Mayor’s COVID-19 Rules Defy Science, Experts Say

Don’t step off the sidewalk, but go ahead, in Honolulu you can exercise indoors at a gym.
The New department of health graphs say the 7/8 of all the cases and hospitalizations are ‘ Pacific Islanders’ living in crowded conditions.
At a gathering last month for Kaulana Pakele, the lead singer for the band Mana‘o Company, Congressional candidate Kai Kehele was seen ignoring almost every basic safety protocol for preventing the spread of COVID-19:

Hundreds gathered to honor the Hilo-born entertainer (Kaulana Pakele), and social media videos showed few wearing masks and almost no one social distancing. There was a large tent with an entertainment stage and a food-service line. Video showed the food handlers wearing masks.
Among those in attendance was state Sen. Kai Kahele, the Democratic nominee for the 2nd Congressional District U.S. House seat being vacated by Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, who ran unsuccessfully for the Democratic presidential nomination.
Kahele also posed on a video with a group of men, none of them social distancing or wearing masks over their noses and mouths.
Kahele didn’t immediately return a call Monday seeking comment.

Kahele has already shown his disregard for science and the rule of law with the TMT delays. Now it seems he's joined other politicians in publicly flaunting medical advice from the CDC, and by his actions encouraged others to do the same.  No wonder the number of positive cases pf COVID-19 are on the rise in Hilo when hundreds of people gather without masks or social distancing. 
Big Island and Hawaii Congressional District 2 deserve better.  Someone who will at minimum lead us out of this pandemic, not deeper into it.
Kahele is already getting some practice at being just another arrogant, entitled politician . . . and he's not even in office yet.

Meanwhile, Oahu is going back under stay at home orders thanks to the bad behavior of the residents and the mismanagement of the whole situation by worthless "leaders." The U.S. Surgeon General appeared with Ige and Caldwell to announce a surge in testing, but it will probably fail to do the job because of the chronic inability of the state to contact trace and enforce isolation/quarantine. Just wait. The two week lockdown will be extended who knows how many times.
You can tell things are serious on Oahu because they're now mandating that everyone wear a mask on theBus .... starting in September.

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