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COVID-19 confirmed in Hawaii: 607+ cases 16 deaths
This is unbelievably sad. 

64 of the approximately 78 residents at Yukio Okutsu Veterans Home in Hilo have tested positive for COVID-19.

To get to this rate of infection in the residence, one has to wonder if any precautions whatsoever were taken by the veterans home administration.
This sounds very similar to the outbreak at a nursing home they saw in, I think, Washington back in late February/early March. You would think lessons would have been learned since then, but apparently not.

I forget the actual name of the place, but think it's reported here:
All it takes is one person not wearing a mask, or poor airflow...
I found this paradoxical comment from Civil Beat’s Anita Hofschneider (below).  She reveals point-blank the incongruous set of restrictions imposed by local authorities.  Why are hiking trails closed?  Why are parks closed?  Might not a designated walking path with perhaps 10 foot social distancing & mask required provide a space for fresh air and exercise? 

Stay-at-home rules make it illegal for this Honolulu apartment dweller to take her son to a beach, park, hiking trail or community garden. Even their bldg’s pool closed.

“The only place I can take my son to play is actually the designated smoking area.”
The rules are dumb.

Without the rules, people are dumb.

The people who make the rules are dumb.

The people that keep electing them are dumb.

I guess we have the government we deserve, and we're doing our best.
Several employees have tested positve at the Hilo Target store. Heard it on KHON TV this morning. They are now deep cleaning the whole store. Not sure if its currently open or not. And I can't find anything on line so this may have just happened.
That can't be good.  I believe it's the largest one day increase of new corvid19 cases on the Big Island so far.
I just returned from the mainland so I am quarantined for 2 weeks. I left a small county in Ohio where there are no active cases and wore a mask for about 16 hours. I think things are backward. Everyone in Hawaii county should have to quarantine to protect me.
Dashboard shows 39 positive and 972 negative for Big Island on Friday, Oct. 2. Kona cluster?
Just got this email :
The Hawaii Department of Public Safety (PSD) Health Care Division is working with the Hawaii Department of Health (DOH) to conduct mass testing for COVID-19 at all correctional facilities statewide. The Women’s Community Correctional Center (WCCC) health care and security staff have begun inmate testing. All 84 inmate test results received so far were negative. The 7 Halawa Correctional Facility staff results received today were all negative.

So we are on top of keeping the criminals safe but killed over 20 Veterans and now have a cluster in a nursing home.

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