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Restrictions to continue!
(11-10-2021, 08:03 PM)malahini Wrote: my family got sick, we didn't get tested and we went out anyway. Sue me.
I am going to try my best to get it and spread it as much as possible
I'm ready to spit in health dept faces.
That's a lot of bad karma. Where is it coming from? Did you suffer from the restrictions in some heinous way?
malahini Wrote:  [url=][/url]
my family got sick, we didn't get tested and we went out anyway. Sue me.
I am going to try my best to get it and spread it as much as possible
I'm ready to spit in health dept faces.

Interesting commentary especially when you count up how many people malahini has accused of being trolls in the last week.
I'm sick of living on plague island

Then move. Plenty of other states to choose from, all with different levels of restriction.

until Ige stops renewing his "emergency" order

Ige's term ends December 5, 2022.
Kalakoa, I suggested (encouraged) them moving from the island in your "Safe Travels now permanent" thread, to which the response was, I was "cherry picking" (!!!???)  Rolleyes

Welcome to PA, where the new case count has been steadily rising since they got rid of all the restrictions and mask mandate.

I've decided not to engage. I can't believe people are still responding to them. They are obviously not going to change their mind and will just continue to troll...
Unfortunately I can't leave here. I spent too much money and went through too much trouble, and my father would be devastated. I went though so much trouble to get my dog here too, and she hated every second of it.

But I really do wish I could go back to the mainland at least until Ige's term is over.

I just can't believe people here accept this as some sort of good. Covid enforcers... really? This is scaring the absolute shit out of me. They can't even clean up the crime here and Ige wants to hire officers to enforce his mandates.

Epidemiologists and Covid... It's like listening to climate scientists about oil pipelines. They would have everyone bankrupted from high energy bills while China builds hundreds of new coal plants.

I also just can't stand living in a place where everyone is so hyper focused on this virus when they have such a high vaccination rate. Everything about the government's response has been a joke. I'm going to crack if this keeps on going. I just don't understand how anyone still takes this seriously at all any more.

Then there's the social strife this is creating... The extremely high unemployment is going to hurt people for at least a decade. There is more to health outcomes than just this one virus.

What's going to happen to the state budget? Are my taxes going to double at some point? Or are they just going to keep pulling in just enough from tourists not to hit residents more?

Chas, and as far as case counts go in whatever state you're in, plenty of counter examples... Florida vs California currently. It all depends on which phase you're in.  That's what I mean by cherry picking. I shouldn't even be responding though. While this doesn't mean that restrictions and mandates might suppress cases short term, these were meant to be temporary measures, not extended forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever...
(11-10-2021, 10:02 PM)malahini Wrote: I just can't believe people here accept this as some sort of good. Covid enforcers... really? This is scaring the absolute shit out of me. They can't even clean up the crime here and Ige wants to hire officers to enforce his mandates.
I thought the same thing myself, But it didnt take long before I had to attribute it to Stockholm syndrome.
Its sad that your feeling that you need to move. But I can also understand the thoughts behind that.
Hawaii eschews the concept of herd immunity yet fully embraces the concept of herd mentality.

E kipa mai to da rock
can't stand living in a place where everyone is so hyper focused on this virus
can't believe people here accept this as some sort of good

That's the culture we have. People on Oahu (where the decisions are made) want to feel safe. It's not going to change. Love it or leave it.

Are my taxes going to double at some point?

Yes, and guess what? Nobody cares.

The important thing to understand is that people are willing to tolerate all manner of inconvenience just to live in Hawaii simply because it's Hawaii. Government can keep raising taxes, because more people will move here to replace the ones who give up. For many tourists, Hawaii is a once-in-a-lifetime vacation. The side effect of all this is that Hawaii simply doesn't have to do anything it doesn't want to. Bad roads and eternal congestion? Too bad, consider yourself lucky that you get to enjoy these problems ... in Hawaii.
because more people will move here to replace the ones who give up.

They're on the way:
Hawaii sales of high-end properties could get a boost as international travelers return
Hawaii sales of high-end properties could get a boost as international travelers return

Read between the lines: what do these priorities suggest?

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