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A get well card for AaronM who lives in Puna and got The Covid
I hope you get better soon, AaronM. We have different views on all sorts of things, but that doesn't matter when someone gets ill. I wish you a speedy recovery and a happy New Year and once you've recovered we can discuss our differences again.
Get well AaronM, and go to the hospital if you need to. We won't hold it against you. I mean, we will, but at least you will be alive to hear it. Smile
Aaron posted this on Big Island Thieves about 4 hours ago on a thread about having a destroyed vaccine card.

"Just get the vaccines again."

He must be tired of trolling here !
Mahalo to my well wishers, and a Happy New Year to all of PW.

Get well soon!

Kelena (the original)
I'm sorry, but I cannot play  kissy-kissy with his backside.

After his off-the-wall response to a comment made by me, but not to, or directly at him, and having little directly to do with PW:

In the thread -

"This Has Gone On Long Enough - The Beginning Of The End Of Covid In Hawaii"

I made the comment:

Post #20 @ 12-01-2021, 08:50 AM

"The eruption brought some worms out of the woodwork.

They have all but taken over Leilani.

The epidemic has brought another set of worms out of the woodwork.

They have decided to take over Puna Web.

Trump seems to be another symptom of this dystopian situation.

Ignorance, misinformation, and lies seem to be what runs our world now.

Not a promising outlook for our future."

He responded:

Post #28 @ 12-01-2021, 08:12 PM

" 1voyager1 Wrote:

The eruption brought some worms...

They have all but taken over Leilani.

Trump seems to be


First off, keeping it "Puna-centric" does not involve national politics. That's what the Book of Faces is for.

Secondly, you're free to move if the Leilani Worms are bothering you that much.

Carry On."
That response by him has proven to me that he has a dog in the fight going on between the present Leilani BOD and members of the association, making him a personal enemy of mine by trying to use the association membership to finance a personal legal dispute.
First, he tries to imply my post was Not Puncentric, which it was.
He was miffed my my short reference to The Dumpster.
Then, he suggests I leave Leilani if I don't agree with the BOD.

He has proven to me that he is part of this move to get to associations members to pay the legal  fees for this groundless attempt.

Mainly of interest only to Leilani Estates members:


In the thread - 
"This Has Gone On Long Enough - The Beginning Of The End Of Covid In Hawaii"

He states:
"Nice local angle Durian! Here's another one - I just tested positive for Covid. Mild flu like symptoms for now. Slight fever, back pain and lack of appetite.

I have no interest in seeking any kind of medical attention so save the sanctimonious anecdotes about your friend/family/neighbor who cannot get an appointment for whatever.

I have long espoused a thin the herd mentality and yes, that includes me. Nature will decide if I get to keep shuffling along this mortal coil or off of it.

I made my choice, I took my chances and have zero regrets. I've made my bed and will now literally lay in it.

Cue my detractors..."

I agree, he got what he deserved, just not as bad as it could/should have been.
He was probably responsible for some of the spread to others.

And an added highlight: It looks as if the Association is turning against them.
I assume he doesn't monitor my posts, so he'll only see this if someone notifies him.
It wasn't meant  for him.
It was to inform others.
- - - - - - - - - - -
Was a Democrat until gun control became a knee jerk, then a Republican until the crazies took over, back to being a nonpartisan again.
This time, I can no longer participate in the primary.
I want to know what defines a worm in Lelani Estates.

The only complaint I have heard from property owners in Lelani estates is that the charter says they need to maintain the roads, this would include rebuilding them. Which I guess is not happening.
Leilani does not actually own the roads - they are in a trust that was never turned over by the original developer. Besides, there is zero reason to restore all of the covered streets right now. The lava down below is still hot and steaming and might continue like that for decades.
I just got a cold. It's a sore throat. Slightly runny nose, and I have coughed a few times. Not even a dry cough.

Does anyone know where I can get a test in the next few days? Everyone is booked up it seems.
It is my understanding that Big Island Thieves is a Facebook page. I do not have a Facebook account.

Voyager, if you didn't want to wrangle with an HOA, you should have avoided Leilani. I do not like HOAs, and therefore chose not to live in Leilani. Regardless, if you feel like your neighborhood has been overrun by worm people, it might be time to consider relocating.

Back to Covid - my fever has broken and my sore throat is almost gone. The back pain and lethargy remain so basically back to normal.

Just another annoying flu, YMMV.

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