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Meeting and Petition for Pesky Helicopters
Checked out the website,can't wait until it is finished.

so much....and so little time
so much....and so little time
Thanks Nightowl.

Petition report :
OVER 400 signatures and counting............

I discovered a couple of new relevant topics: the National Park Services Natural Sounds Program and the Hawaiian Sacred Sites Noise Reduction Act of 2006.I will be researching this next.

Again our website is

Thanks Bob,What do you suggest?

We mainly are wanting to ban air tours from VOLCANO NATIONAL PARK,ZOOS,PARKS,SACRED SITES and AGRICULTURAL lands in Puna and Volcano.We haven't talked about Haleakala on Maui.The flights are just as bad there and we are not going there,yet.Even if we do.It is a National Park.Please think about this some more,Bob,it isn't over all of Hawaii.We are yet not touching Hilo either because of the airport.In that case routes would be studied.We need to come out strong to send a message to the air tour companies!They are not going to come to the negotiation table for nothing!Our airways are out of control.What would you do then.Let's here your ideas!

I'm surprised nobody posted this link, and yes, I checked the whole thread to make sure it's not posted elsewhere:

Apparently, work on this issue has been in progress for at least three and a half years on the Big Island (Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Air Tour Management Plan), and nationally for at least 7 years (the National Parks Air Tour Management Act of 2000). I don't think you've missed the boat, Thunderfoot, but it seems like this (the FAA policy-writing committee) is the appropriate forum in which to take your legitimate property-rights concerns.

How do I know?
Aloha! ;-)
Thanks mgeary,but the FAA does not enforce exisitng rules.After years of research ,the boss of the FAA is Congress.That is where it is at!Although we will keep speaking to the FAA,for obvious reasons.

Bob,yes,there is a ban on all commercial air tours over Rocky Mountain National Park,after 25 people killed in midair collision.It was done by the Garden Club of America; if a bunch of little old ladies can do it,so can we.The community here is outraged by the air tour activities suppose to exist and act by the people and for the people!!! We are the people.156 signatures in one day ,that speaks volumes!!! We have to be that engine that can!!!!!!!!!!!

I like your ideas about the forms,and you are right about that.People want to help and want it ti be easy to do it.Thanks for that,keep em coming.

Also,researched the National Park Services Natural Sounds Program.It may just be a policy,as you say,but it is the policy of the National Park Service.It may not be a law,but their policies are not soup sandwhiches either.Here are some links:
this one is for the issue of sound
this one if for some of their laws and policies
this one is for noise impacts

Hey also,Bob,there are no landing spots for negotiaiton.They do not land in the park or elsewhere.They take off and land at Hilo airport without any other stops;usually,
because most of the air tours are over the Volcano National Park,on this island.For Maui it is Haleakala.Hilo airport is Dept.of Transportation jurisdiction.

Plus,it would be interesting to find out who issues the permits for the air tours to fly over the park.Without those permits,they can not fly in the Park!!!Maybe this is an angle.We have time to explore them all.We do have the backing of 6 Board memebers,the Fern Forest Village Association,the Native American Center in Volcano,Hawaiian Acres Community Association,Sierra Club,and counting.We are also working in cooperation with the National Park Conservation Association.Even our County CouncilWoman Emily Naeole signed our petition!!!! We look forward to more stimulating ideas,input and comments.HAVE A GREAT DAY ALL.

Bob,do you live in hawaii?These overflights are BAD!Thunderfoot has already answered a lot of your questions.The ban of air tours was over Rocky Mountain National Park.She wrote that they were going to do Volcano National Park.She also,never said, anywhere,that they were stopping all air tours,or military or search and rescue.Plus,I fail to see how the County can help when Hilo airport is Department of Transportation backyard,and theVolcano Park is the Department of Interior.Those are Federal jurisdiction.Also,the FAA arena has been exhausted.People have been sending in lettters and photos for years,to no avail.And Bob,after you look up all those definitions,just post em.Thanks for volunteering.

And Daniel,the website for the CAOA is posted on page 13 and there is a form on that website you can fill out to be sent to necessary arenas;or look up,I am sure there is a section there somewhere to make a complaint.But I can assure you they will work hard to ignore it!!!!AS USUAL

so much....and so little time
so much....and so little time
Boy, my rockets flew great! 2-300' high! One problem, they get stuck in the trees.
Still thinking about the flight plan idea though.
Next grassroots protest: BIG Helium baloons on nylon kite string every 2-300' along the roads with mylar streamers between 500'up. Like a pig fence.


Edited by - DanielP on 11/04/2007 10:20:12

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