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Meeting and Petition for Pesky Helicopters
Thunderfoot....Mahalo 'Ike Ka~ua

Thanks Punapetah.
And Darl,you wanted me to let you know how it is going? Well,yesterday was unbearable!!!!!!!!!! They were alll dayyyyyy!!!!

Good morning everyone;

Thanks for your comments. I have worked with the flight staff over the last week with regards to the altitudes we use between the airport and the Forest Reserve. I have been flying in Hilo to evaluate some other options that might work for us. There are areas that due to past efforts have been not been included as possible alternatives. I am rethinking some of them under certian conditions. It seems that there might be an altuiude threshold that we can work with to open up some extra airspace. I have instructed the pilots adjust the climb rates out of the airport when weather conditions permit. The idea would be to fly whatever route allows for the highest altitude until decent can be made in unpopulated areas.

It will take a week or so to get everyone on board as the pilots rotate through their shifts. I would appreciate you comments as to whether or not you notice any improvement.


Thanks Darl,and I replied in more detais on your thread.

Well,today they were out in full force.Darl,you wanted to know how it is going.Well, I know you just started,but so far the report is not good.Blue Hawaiian was over me all day in Fern Forest.I spent the night with my son,not far from the Native American Center,and aircraft fly overs were constant in the area until about4pm.m or so.What made it worse was I was vomiting all morning and I had no peace and quiet.I was really sick today,and just couldn't get a break from the noise to nap or anything.It feels like being sick in the middle of a war zone.Please,Darl,do something about this.I can't stand it.I am very sick,and this adds to my stress,which effects my Lupus and Cancer.I will keep you updated.So far you have made no difference.

so much....and so little time
so much....and so little time
Yeah,Nightowl is right , Sunday they were bad over the Native American Center area,and the Center itself.I was there all day;as I am most days.Monday was a little better though,there were only a few.Hope it gets better and lasts,especially over the Center,since there should be none over them at all.Today,Tues.,I saw a couple of Blue Hawaiian go kinda low near the Center,as of this writing[10:45am].It is very cloudy with off and on rain today,that ususally means less overflights. So,that is the latest report for Darl.Hope to hear from you soon Darl.

CAOA website

YEAH !!! We got our 501[c][4] Federal approval !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Great! How long did that take from time of filing?
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Rob,It took me about thirty days.Normally it takes longer,up to 2 years for a Native American organization,and up to a year for others;but I have been doing the non-profit thing for twenty years.So,if you need any input,let me know,happy to donate my time for a worthy cause.HAPPY HOLIDAYS


Darl,I replied on your thread that ,yes,we can have a meeting;but after the holidays.

Also,u wanted reports on your pilots.Well,today they weren't numerous,but they were dangerous.You might want to talk to your pilots again.I have video of Blue Hawaiian helicopters dangerously and shamefully low! I actually ran outside yelling Woe , woe ,and a few other choice words.That is noteworthy because I just usually go out with my video camera just to take pics,but today,wow! Bet it scared some tourists.It was dangerous!!!! You would think that there would be refrain from flying over the Native American Center[on Jungle King Rd.,about 2200' from Captain's Drive in Fern Forest,a map was provided to your company some years ago.],as a gesture of good faith for the upcoming meeting.Also,because the more they fly,the more motivated we become.It doesn't seem wise to try to intimidate the president of a Federally recognized non-profit,born to watchdog you folks,by low fly overs;or fly overs period.All it does is add fuel.Although,it does make good evidence that supports our cause.Also,overflights went well into 8p.m. last night,unacceptible.We have to hear it all day,now at night too?Anyway,u get the picture.Here is hoping we get a break from the noise for the Holidays!!!


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