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Meeting and Petition for Pesky Helicopters
Saw a very low flying black/dark blue copter that appeared to land in Leilani Estates a couple of days ago.
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
Lee, there are three unique types of air operations that often gets munged into one complaint.

1. Official: This is when operations have an official government function such as law enforcement, fire, medical, surveys, observation, cartography, search, rescue, etc. Although disturbing, it's a necessary evil living in an area such as Puna.

2. Commercial Operations: Helicopters are used to take aerial photos for real estate purposes, they take people from point A to point B, and just about any other legitimate need where aerial flight is necessary. Since the legitimacy of these flights can seldom be determined from the ground, they often are lumped into the pleasure category. These types of flights are not as common with very specific destinations and do not last very long because someone is paying for each minute the helicopter is airborne. But they are the most destructive because they are not just overflights but have a specific targeted objective that could cause them to hover over an area longer than a simple tour operation, or fly lower and longer to achieve the objective.

3. Pleasure: Sightseeing, air tours and such are the remainder and probably the bulk. It's these discretionary flights that tend towards irritating the inhabitants because their purpose is purely for someone’s enjoyment at the expense of the residents. Efforts have been underway for the last two years to deal with curtailing the impact and there should be movement towards reduced interruptions during 2008.

Feel free to email me if you would like information on reporting an issue to the proper FAA authorities for action. The FAA is in a unique situation where they know there are issues but they are also the victims of community apathy. For all the complaining, you’ll be surprise how few complaints have been officially made. There are many times more complaints lodged from the other islands than from the Big Island.

Bob makes an interesting point on the number of complaints.

I have long subscribed to the opinion that people don't complain enough. They might mumble and grumble under their breathe but that accomplishes nothing more than elevating one's blood pressure. Enough long term grumbling and one begins to simply sound like a crank.

I found myself grumbling in the 1980's about homeless families in America and finally turned my energy toward Habitat for Humanity. Much more productive than grumbling.

Complaining effectively is necessary and needed and very American. Thunderfoot's group, Citizens Against Overflights Association (CAOA), is taking that path.

Whether one supports or opposes Super Ferry I do admire the level and impact of organized and heartfelt complaining on Maui and Kauai. Impressive.

Those who recognize and sympathize with the overflight problem, expressed extensively here on Punaweb, should lend support to the issue. That can be done superficially by expressing support and it can be done expressly by contributing some time and even some money to the effort.

I suggest that each of you consider things in our Puna community that require improvement and attach yourself to one or more issues that are important to you. If the lack of medical services is your issue please get involved. There are ways to do so. Schools? Highway safety? Landfills?

You best gift to the community this coming year might be increasing the volume, effectiveness and level of complaining.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Thanks Rob.
And I agree Bob.There are a few search and rescue choppers out here every year.Their flight pattern is different from air tours,so that may help differentiate them.Although as far as the Leilani Estates landings.We are getting reports that it is very frequent,and in the same spot.This is curious and needs further investigation.Please keep us posted.

LeeE,can you get some pics next time.That way we can identify the air comapny and make inquiries.The blue color of the craft you saw means it is probably Blue Hawaiian,but we need evidence.Thanks everyone for your input.


CAOA website


I'll try and get a pic if they come back.

I didn't see it land, although it appeared as though it may have, (sounded like it descended not too far from the back of Leilani).

There were two copters today, flying parallel to each other, higher in the sky but it looked like they were still fairly low and at least one other earlier today.

Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
We had an amazing amount of helicopter traffic in HPP today from about 12noon through 4PM. Blue Hawaiian and others. I did not always have my binoculars in hand. There were often 2 in the air; one coming and one going. What’s up?

I hope it is only higher holiday traffic… We moved to HPP in July this year and I have never seen this much traffic.

Yeah!!!It is raining heavy,there should be no fly overs today!!!!!!!

Thanks guys.I wanted to add a little information from my last post.If helicopters are search and rescue,or fire fighting,they will be yellow or gray only.So,the blue that you saw LeeE was Blue Hawaiian,they are the only blue choppers in the sky.I have spent time identifying whose colors belong to who.

Tolleys,yeah let us hope it is just holiday traffic.But it is more likely beacuse of heavy rain up here in my neck of the woods.That is the normal traffic for me.Now you know how annoying it is!

We are trying to help everyone,but these things take time and process,and as we all know here locally,The FAA here doesn't do anything about the complaints they receive;which is why alot of people stopped complaing to them all together.They want unreasonable evidence of a video within two days of the event.Hey Bob,would you have the statistcs here locally on how many complaints there were last year;and how many were actually found to be in violation and acted upon by the FAA?

Also,we have a complaint/reports form on our website.We would be grateful if you folks would fill it out,it adds to our evidence;and helps us to help you.Also,comment in our guestbook.Thanks and



Mahalo for the info and to everyone, happy holidays!
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
Bob, Mahalo for the info.

I spoke with Emily and also with a gentleman named Atom, who is with an organization circulating a petition to stop the overflights.

Hope to see this issue dealt with by the public.

Yes, folks don't complain nearly enough, imho. The mood out there seems favorable to change at large. Hope so!

Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
Your welcome,and we already have a petition circulating,just to let you know.You can access it from our website.There is an internet one and the one you can print out for old fashion signing.Also,a stack of those petitions is at Keaau Health food store,and after the holidays we will be back out at Maku'u Market.We have over 500 signatures so far!!! Perhaps the other group would like to combine forces?

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