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H-130 Beautification Planning???
lol robguz ...

re HELCO, I can't think of anything that would surpass getting rid of lines and poles either. My own view reminds me every day of how much the wires get in the way of beauty.

I just don't know if they would consider it. If they would, wonderful.
I know that in the tundras of Alaska they are unable to place poles and locate many utilities above grade. If a compromise was needed I would much rather deal with an above ground conduit concealed by landscaping than this forest and tangle of wires.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
If HELCO were to do anything about overhead power lines, they would raise our already astronomical electric rates to pay for it. You can count on that.

In case anyone is interested, the next meeting will be at Keaau Elementary School on October 27th beginning at 5 PM.

The Contents and Objectives of this meeting as laid out so far:

Focus on combinations of Alternatives
Complete Purpose and Need Statement
Discuss methods for Community Outreach

I find that first one a bit perplexing?

General Election Unofficial Poll
Helco and HDOT working together to beautify and set a precedence and infrastructure for the this island, hard for me to fathom. If Oahu and particularly Honolulu doesn’t benefit from this waste of “their $56 million” it ain’t a gona get done. Helco will blame HDOT and visa versa. The big island should be feeling grateful for anything that the HDOT and Helco dose for them, just ask them.

The Lack
Hwy 130 is one of the most dangerous in the state. Entering the Hwy
from HPP or Orchidland is testy. It's a good thing most people drive with Aloha or It would be worse. Safety should be put first.
Pave 40th through to Hwy 11 and connect it to ainaloa blvd thru Hawaiian Acres For an alternate route.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
I would like to see safe places for people to cross the road, especially when they get off the Heleon bus. I cringe when I see kids trying to cross the highway.
How about planting colorful bouganvilla down both sides of the highway like Kona has from the airport. A plant that's beautiful to look at that no one is going to mess with.
I don't see how a divided hiway with a planted median could possibly work with the private driveways every hundred feet or so all through HPP, Orchidland and Ainaloa. The people living along there may not want anything planted on their frontage either.
Beautification oh H-130
4 lanes, synchronized traffic lights and turn lanes.
Re-zone the whole thing commercial/industrial with a grandfather for the current homes.

Take the money saved and pave the government road..... Beautify that one.

Take the taxes generated by the upswing in commercial/industrial and open up the Railroad Ave and pave it.

Transplanted Texan
"I am here to chew bubble gum and kick some *** ... and I'm all out of bubble gum"
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii

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