10-02-2008, 09:27 AM
I am not gonna get into a big discussion with yawl but make a few point here..
1. the general public has no idea of how bad of a financial condition we are in.. This is a world crisis and can been seen in graphs, i can not provide links to these graphs, but if you trade stock, you can see the condition of the financial market in a 1 month 10 year chart.. Trust me here,, it's bad..... it is lower than the condition of what happened in 2001-2003 after 9/11. it is not lower than the numbers then I. E. market numbers were xxx say, and xxx represent 800, in 2002.. the numbers now are yyy, which represents 1,300.. looking at these numbers you'd get the impression 9/11 was worse.. it's not, in the scale of things, we are slightly lower..
the low we are at is a very critical pivot.. we haven't had an attack like 9/11 and our banks are in horrible condition.. but not just ours,, all around the globe.. this time if we fail,, we'll become the germ that infected the whole globe.. Except China, who has 1 trillion in cash on deposit..
We are at the pivotal point in a stock investors view,, that our county is a 'buy' because it is so CHEAP.... But this is not your normal 'buy condition'... it's a dangerous 'buy position'.. it's where the gamblers in the stock market buy.. And I doubt you need an understanding of a gambler.... to get my point..
our banks can not make money now.. they can not take your deposits and loan them out.. especially that many have withdrawn accounts over the FDIC insurance levels 100k..... without that, banks will go broke,, oh yeah, duhh they are already! Fremont, countrywide (who likes country wide any ways ha), Indy mac, Lehman, Wamu, wacovia is on the edge.. ABK their bonding firm is close, AIG as well... just to name the most popular.. GE has bonds and notes related to these companies.. ford, GM and Chrysler cant sell cars, but you knew that..
But japan,, Indonesia as well,, sales orders are down so far they are suffering too, plus several counties who are dependent on our imports.. that;'s fine right,, made in USA better eh?? not if this causes them all to go down right along with us, okey dokey?
This Bill,, bail out ? 'Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008
Whether it works or not is yet to be seen. but it's all we've got to stop the financial crises. and emergency in this one unlike so many other "emergency acts or bill" like in city meetings or such where they use the word every day..,, emergency is the word of reality..
maybe this is caused by lenders with no scruples.. dealing out a house to somebody fresh for the gutter, and that's not our fault.. sure, but we need a band-aide RIGHT NOW.. if you could see the graphs, there's no way you could disagree, .., if you really knew how bad of condition your bank is in right now, you might understand.. even if it's in great shape,, go ask them for a 'regular mortgage' they wont give it too you and wont tell you it's because they ain't got the funds.. plus; "go blame them not us".
I could go on hours in more detail, ha..
However,, this bill,, it's discussed too.. yeah maybe you heard about the stupid arrow deal, ha,,, .39 cent tax is repealed for kids, arrow toys, ha, ha what's that? he he.. it's a junk that should have been 1 never placed,, and 2. should have expired at a set date... there's more, 10 mil here and 10 there, plus 'like 178 mil or something.. for-get-about-um..... can always go back and amend it later if it's stupid..
For new we need the meat...
Plus, surprise, guess what the big deal is about this whole thing?? it's disguised as the 'Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, but under it is the whole green tax credit bill.. everything you can imagine green, is getting tax credits!!! your home their home,, business, factories, incentives for exploration in solar, Geo thermo, you name it it's there...
there's even bicycle credit condition in the right circumstances.
if you think we don't need no bail out??? don't think of it as bailing out the banks who messed this up,, Think it's bailing out us average Joe's and Sally's cause IT IS!!! ..
the biggest down side?? tax payers buying loans and mortgages at a dime on the dollar???
OK do some simple math here,, If you buy a home for 10 cents on the buck at market value right now.. Right?? 100k home for 10, got it???
How much money did you just make????? The fed is purposing that, they'll buy for .10, maybe even as much as 50% of value....
ask you self,, HOW CAN THEY LOSE???
The FEDS got fannie ma and freddy mac, at 1/30th their value. All those houses aand business loans at a HUGE, HUGE discount..
there is a hitch.. if fed dumped those loans, mortgages,, like our lousy banks and firms that got us into this mess, would, could and have already done???
You can slice your homes value in half too...
Now.. who do you want to hold those loans? Feds, or country wide type companies??
It's a win win!!.. never mind the stupid arrow deal, Rum in Porte Rico,, whatever.. ha, ha..,.
time is of theessence and the charts, graphs clearly show,, we've about 1-2 weeks to spare here now today...
does not mean we'll have a good xmas, or go sweet into next year...
it took us 3-5 years to get into this mess moreove,, it will take near the same to break even..
BTW, my Oil strategy in June is working LOL, slogan: Save the world, make money, short oil to 50!"
graphically or in charts we are in a scenario, of a test, called 'double bottom.'... The double bottom is a test where either you bounce back at the pivotal point,, or,, you fall lower fast.. there's only 2 directions in a double bottom, and we are there.. at the test..
can we pass??? it's up to us all.. All across the global..
it's not time to be selfish, it's time to think global,, Hold that line!!! Hold that Line!!!
1. the general public has no idea of how bad of a financial condition we are in.. This is a world crisis and can been seen in graphs, i can not provide links to these graphs, but if you trade stock, you can see the condition of the financial market in a 1 month 10 year chart.. Trust me here,, it's bad..... it is lower than the condition of what happened in 2001-2003 after 9/11. it is not lower than the numbers then I. E. market numbers were xxx say, and xxx represent 800, in 2002.. the numbers now are yyy, which represents 1,300.. looking at these numbers you'd get the impression 9/11 was worse.. it's not, in the scale of things, we are slightly lower..
the low we are at is a very critical pivot.. we haven't had an attack like 9/11 and our banks are in horrible condition.. but not just ours,, all around the globe.. this time if we fail,, we'll become the germ that infected the whole globe.. Except China, who has 1 trillion in cash on deposit..
We are at the pivotal point in a stock investors view,, that our county is a 'buy' because it is so CHEAP.... But this is not your normal 'buy condition'... it's a dangerous 'buy position'.. it's where the gamblers in the stock market buy.. And I doubt you need an understanding of a gambler.... to get my point..
our banks can not make money now.. they can not take your deposits and loan them out.. especially that many have withdrawn accounts over the FDIC insurance levels 100k..... without that, banks will go broke,, oh yeah, duhh they are already! Fremont, countrywide (who likes country wide any ways ha), Indy mac, Lehman, Wamu, wacovia is on the edge.. ABK their bonding firm is close, AIG as well... just to name the most popular.. GE has bonds and notes related to these companies.. ford, GM and Chrysler cant sell cars, but you knew that..
But japan,, Indonesia as well,, sales orders are down so far they are suffering too, plus several counties who are dependent on our imports.. that;'s fine right,, made in USA better eh?? not if this causes them all to go down right along with us, okey dokey?
This Bill,, bail out ? 'Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008
Whether it works or not is yet to be seen. but it's all we've got to stop the financial crises. and emergency in this one unlike so many other "emergency acts or bill" like in city meetings or such where they use the word every day..,, emergency is the word of reality..
maybe this is caused by lenders with no scruples.. dealing out a house to somebody fresh for the gutter, and that's not our fault.. sure, but we need a band-aide RIGHT NOW.. if you could see the graphs, there's no way you could disagree, .., if you really knew how bad of condition your bank is in right now, you might understand.. even if it's in great shape,, go ask them for a 'regular mortgage' they wont give it too you and wont tell you it's because they ain't got the funds.. plus; "go blame them not us".
I could go on hours in more detail, ha..
However,, this bill,, it's discussed too.. yeah maybe you heard about the stupid arrow deal, ha,,, .39 cent tax is repealed for kids, arrow toys, ha, ha what's that? he he.. it's a junk that should have been 1 never placed,, and 2. should have expired at a set date... there's more, 10 mil here and 10 there, plus 'like 178 mil or something.. for-get-about-um..... can always go back and amend it later if it's stupid..
For new we need the meat...
Plus, surprise, guess what the big deal is about this whole thing?? it's disguised as the 'Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, but under it is the whole green tax credit bill.. everything you can imagine green, is getting tax credits!!! your home their home,, business, factories, incentives for exploration in solar, Geo thermo, you name it it's there...
there's even bicycle credit condition in the right circumstances.
if you think we don't need no bail out??? don't think of it as bailing out the banks who messed this up,, Think it's bailing out us average Joe's and Sally's cause IT IS!!! ..
the biggest down side?? tax payers buying loans and mortgages at a dime on the dollar???
OK do some simple math here,, If you buy a home for 10 cents on the buck at market value right now.. Right?? 100k home for 10, got it???
How much money did you just make????? The fed is purposing that, they'll buy for .10, maybe even as much as 50% of value....
ask you self,, HOW CAN THEY LOSE???
The FEDS got fannie ma and freddy mac, at 1/30th their value. All those houses aand business loans at a HUGE, HUGE discount..
there is a hitch.. if fed dumped those loans, mortgages,, like our lousy banks and firms that got us into this mess, would, could and have already done???
You can slice your homes value in half too...
Now.. who do you want to hold those loans? Feds, or country wide type companies??
It's a win win!!.. never mind the stupid arrow deal, Rum in Porte Rico,, whatever.. ha, ha..,.
time is of theessence and the charts, graphs clearly show,, we've about 1-2 weeks to spare here now today...
does not mean we'll have a good xmas, or go sweet into next year...
it took us 3-5 years to get into this mess moreove,, it will take near the same to break even..
BTW, my Oil strategy in June is working LOL, slogan: Save the world, make money, short oil to 50!"
graphically or in charts we are in a scenario, of a test, called 'double bottom.'... The double bottom is a test where either you bounce back at the pivotal point,, or,, you fall lower fast.. there's only 2 directions in a double bottom, and we are there.. at the test..
can we pass??? it's up to us all.. All across the global..
it's not time to be selfish, it's time to think global,, Hold that line!!! Hold that Line!!!