When I took the Hawaii firearms safety training class, it was my understanding that you can only meet an opposing force with the same force brought.. A huge difference from my native State of Texas [

Meaning if someone comes at you welding a bat, you can only use a bat to defend yourself.... ARGH!!! The only way you can shoot someone breaking into your residence in the middle of the night is if they are threating you with a gun. If they are only holding a knife, you can only defend yourself with a knife... I remember reading that you must try and run away and retreat to safety before using deadly force.... lol which is just stupid if you ask me.
I took the firearm class about 5 years ago, so hopefully things have changed but I doubt it....
edit: Just Found This online:
Deadly force is justifiable only in self-defense or in defense of other innocents where one reasonably believes death, serious bodily injury, kidnapping, rape, or forcible sodomy may otherwise result. Use of deadly force for protection of private property can result in criminal charges. Using deadly force is not justifiable if it can be safely avoided by retreating or adopting other defensive strategies, except it is not required in Hawaii, unlike New Jersey, that you retreat from your home. You cannot justify the use of deadly force defensively if you initiated its use. Police officers are instructed to make an arrest in ANY homicide. The prosecutor then decides whether to bring charges.