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HPP under attack!!!!
For all of you people that think that people who are armed are living in a fancy world you should see this. How about facing this world as it is and stop sugar coating it, violence will not go away by holding hands and giving your STUFF or your family away to low life scum in the name of piece. It’s just plain ignorant to think that is the wave of the future. A spoon full of sugar and a kumbia song dose not make the violence go away, at least not with me and many like me.

Check this: 1.

Just what do you think would have happened to her if we followed the “why can’t we all just get along” liberal Attitude? She may be the one in a box not him, give a rest.

The Lack

1. Kumbia is a great camp song, sung by generations and has been bringing kids together for years. Scoffing at the very idea of trying to create a community, whether it be around a campfire, a song, or a common belief is disgusting and counter-productive. If I hear another bad word about a fine song such as Kumbia, I am going to spit bullets.
2. I think you mean "fanciful" and not fancy. I also think you mean "does" and not "dose", although one can't be sure. Either way it is one "dose" too many.
3. No one wants to be a crime victim whether they are liberal or conservative. Cultural awareness does not mean tolerance of crime. I am to the left of Bernie Sanders, but I have no tolerance for lawbreakers. Liberals deplore crime. Liberals are more likely to side with police officers and their unions, in promoting better pay and conditions than conservatives. Conservatives have NO IDEA how police officers get paid and think that we ought to just form posses instead.
4. There is nothing wrong with trying to get along, and working toward ways that we can do that. One alternative to getting along is holing up in a cabin somewhere hating the other half of America, believing more in the power of a gun than in the power of ideas.
5. Many liberals, such a myself, understand that the 2nd Amendment was enacted so that the citizenry would never be powerless against a despotic government. There were times in the last eight years under conservatives when I thought we might see armed militias. In any case, this liberal, and millions of others fully support the 2nd Amendment, although we don't want Uzis in our inner city neighborhoods or schools. Saying we are "anti-gun" doesn't make it so. Canada has plenty of guns. What we are is anti-violence.
6.By the way, how's that conservative stuff workin' out for you -- Wall Street has completely collapsed, we lost our automakers, millions are out of work and millions more soon will be, food banks are running low, we have secret prisons around the world and have used the Geneva Convention as toilet paper completing eroding any good will we may have had around tghe world, we invaded the wrong country at at cost of ten billion a month and countless lives, we are trying to put missiles in Poland to protect us from I am not sure what, and your bozo of a President is in Peru today while the country burns to the ground metaphorically. Conservatism is over except as a method of obstructionism to better ideas. You betcha. You can pardon a turkey, but there is no pardoning the selection of a person whose only skill is climbing over the bodies of other Republicans.

Aloha oe!

Ok Glen,

I’m really tired of getting my nose rubbed in your liberal BS so let’s go point and counter point.
Kumbia is a great camp song, sung by generations and has been bringing kids together for years. Scoffing at the very idea of trying to create a community, whether it be around a campfire, a song, or a common belief is disgusting and counter-productive. If I hear another bad word about a fine song such as Kumbia, I am going to spit bullets.
Wonderful song for children that we all want to grow up and love each other, but as we get older and become adults we have to learn that it is the real world, it just ain’t a catchy tune that will solve life’s troubles. So start spitting bullets.
I think you mean "fanciful" and not fancy. I also think you mean "does" and not "dose", although one can't be sure. Either way it is one "dose" too many.
Please pardon my dialectic behavior. No matter how old one gets with this flaw It just won’t go away. We only try to control it.
No one wants to be a crime victim whether they are liberal or conservative. Cultural awareness does not mean tolerance of crime. I am to the left of Bernie Sanders, but I have no tolerance for lawbreakers. Liberals deplore crime. Liberals are more likely to side with police officers and their unions, in promoting better pay and conditions than conservatives. Conservatives have NO IDEA how police officers get paid and think that we ought to just form posses instead.
Cultural awareness, tolerance of crime, what’s wrong with you? Conservatives hate crime but we try and do something about it, unlike you liberals. We like protecting our self’s and our family. On the other hand you liberals want to sing the problem away, “kumbia baby.” The part that conservatives don’t understand and support our police officers, shows just how naive you are and doesn’t need a respond.
There is nothing wrong with trying to get along, and working toward ways that we can do that. One alternative to getting along is holing up in a cabin somewhere hating the other half of America, believing more in the power of a gun than in the power of ideas.

Wow, what makes you think that a conservative hates the other half of America? I have an idea maybe you should chill out and maybe pack another roach in your pipe buddy. This is not about war, it’s not about us against you, it’s all about self protection dude. The power of the gun and the knowledge how to use it is of great comfort to some of us. You can depend on a 911 to respond in a timely manor if you want, but if that don’t happen what are you going to do. Sing them a tune, that will make them go away for sure.

Many liberals, such a myself, understand that the 2nd Amendment was enacted so that the citizenry would never be powerless against a despotic government. There were times in the last eight years under conservatives when I thought we might see armed militias. In any case, this liberal, and millions of others fully support the 2nd Amendment, although we don't want Uzis in our inner city neighborhoods or schools. Saying we are "anti-gun" doesn't make it so. Canada has plenty of guns. What we are is anti-violence.

This statement I could write a novel about, but I won’t go there. Gee, are you liberals so disappointed with having a president that stood up to world criminals that you wanted to violently take "YOUR" country back, and you say that you are anti-violent?

By the way, how's that conservative stuff workin' out for you -- Wall Street has completely collapsed, we lost our automakers, millions are out of work and millions more soon will be, food banks are running low, we have secret prisons around the world and have used the Geneva Convention as toilet paper completing eroding any good will we may have had around tghe world, we invaded the wrong country at at cost of ten billion a month and countless lives, we are trying to put missiles in Poland to protect us from I am not sure what, and your bozo of a President is in Peru today while the country burns to the ground metaphorically. Conservatism is over except as a method of obstructionism to better ideas. You betcha. You can pardon a turkey, but there is no pardoning the selection of a person whose only skill is climbing over the bodies of other Republicans.

How can you hate so much and disguise yourself as a person who loves this country. You and your ideas of the way you would LIKE life to be just don’t cut it, get a grip and stop singing kumbia songs pal. By the way the turkey needed a pardon and that was a liberal act, right? Glen you are probably a good person a heart but dude get off of the weed it’s clouding thinking process. We conservatives have a lot less hate in us that you do.

The Lack

Me - grabs popcorn

My Blog
Ill be over with butter!

Y'all got that right!
When I was stationed in Kaneohe, there were some guys that just hung out on base and never went out into town.

They told me stories of how the Hawaii cops were a-holes and how the locals were this and that.
It was like they were prisoners.

They were just small minded redneck turds that live in their little bubble of ignorance.
I never understood how they could go to town and eat McDonalds and never eat all the delicious eclectic treats Hawaii offers.

I have found that locals have a radar out for mainlanders, if the mainlander acts like an a-hole, the local will return the favor. But if the mainlanders behaves with respect and treats the local like an equal they return the favor in spades.

I am glad Hawaii does not appeal to jerks like that, all the more room for people that love Hawaii and it's culture.
The video did get one part correct. The people of N.C. are generally very friendly.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
I'd say by and large that is very true. I have found the local people of Hawaiian heritage to be very friendly indeed. There are a few who are initially a bit cold but by and large uncommonly quick to crack a smile once they figure out who you are. I'm sure the inverse is true as well and that doesn't bother me a bit.

The bigger problem isn't Hawaiian culture, but rather the very pervasive "Wannabe" band that I've encountered here and elsewhere in the world, who are in general miserable dispossessed trash that try to ride on the coattails of the traditions--and moral complaints--of others in a self serving and insincere manner. There are a lot of pure-blooded Wannabes in Puna, and they are the source of 99 percent of the problems.

Wannabes are noted for their mask making. They masquerade as Hawaiians for sure, but as "locals" too, and more insidiously as pacifists, ecologists, and even a few as red-necks, for some peculiar reason.

On other notes, philosophically. There is a good deal to be learned from this topic.

First, we have learned that there are a lot of very cowardly people in the world, who are afraid of the personal repercussions of embracing their responsibility to themselves and their community, and attempt to hide behind moral and pacifist arguments--pretending that hiding one's head in the sand about the darker side of human existence is somehow taking the moral high road. This would be of little consequence except that it seems they feel the need to set policy for those of us who are a bit more robust.

Second, we have learned that unfortunately, if one were to be involved in an incident involving a firearm, a "reasonable" jury may not to be able to be found. Reasonable means capable of being influenced by reason. Clearly this is a rarity. Since at this point the burden I face by a home invasion is not only the immediate physical threat of the attack, but of the secondary attack of disapproval from a jury of masochists who would rather be victimized and want to codify that defect into law. . .my options become more complicated for sure.

Denial, look the other way. . .

I would hope that a core value of the community that everyone seems to ape about would be that of looking out for each other. Looking out for each other will involve, at times, real actions to protect others in the community from violence. I would hope that the pacifists out there who saw someone beating the hell out of a child would intervene. Writing your congressman about the issue of violence in Puna is no surrogate for saving someones life. If you feel that firearms are of no place at all ever in any way in a world of violence, then what else is it that you do? What kind of super power ninja warrior do you intend to become? Oh, I understand--you don't INTEND to get involved--it's none of your business, really. Well, piss poor community spirit that is.

I've never been mugged or attacked or even significantly threatened in my adult life. I have, however, been forced several times to intervene on the behalf of others who were being victimized. I did, frankly, unabashedly, made it my business, and did so just recently. I don't doubt it will happen again. I certainly don't look for that sort of thing--I count myself a pacifist, frankly--but I don't hide my head in the sand when it's in front of my face. To do so would be despicably cowardly. There are really rotten people in this world and they get away with it because they are allowed to opperate with immunity. This needs to change, and as for this effete humanitarianism--if it even deserves that title-we simply cannot afford it anymore.
Pass the popcorn Damon, we've got politics and guns on the table. Now all we need is some fiery talk about religion and we'll have ourselves a full-blown war.

One has to wonder why all the condescension and bating is going on. (Using inflammatory rhetoric that starts with words like, "You people", "you liberals"; and downright accusations of drug-use by people with opposing opinions, etc) Is this really intended to carry on a productive, civil discussion? Is it an attempt to convince the other party to accept your opinion? Is it for fun or mean-spirited? Is it to show everyone how much smarter you are than everyone else? Or maybe it's just to project the tough-guy image?

From where I stand, it turned out NOT to be a productive, civil discussion. And I doubt anyone was convinced to change their opinion. It certainly comes across more as means-spirited than fun. As for the true motivations behind the inflammatory words, only the poster knows for sure.

All this is moot anyway since Rob will surely pull this discussion off the board.

Happy holidays, aloha and Kumbaya!


A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
Actually, Tim, I disagree. . .

I think the topic is very instructive and should teach us why we have a crime problem.

1. People don't give a damn about looking out for each other, at least in any meaningful sense, and are much more quick to pick petty conflicts rather than address the issue in a sensible manner.

2. A fair number of people have utterly insensible dogmatic positions that disallows them from addressing the full spectrum of possible solutions to the crime problem.

3. If we lie and cheat in this manner why should we be surprised when others feel the same about ripping of someone's house?

The problem is society and all of society is to blame.

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