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Wild pig charged me
Look at the love/hate relationship people have with dogs. We train them to be vicious killers as well as coddled lap dogs. I can see how pigs could go either way too.
Anyone interested how pigs got to Hawaii?

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

John, that was a great link. Mahalo!

I have to say that I met a wild boar a year ago, in the bay area, CA, on our street. We live on the Las Tramoas Range (for just 23 more days... till we are in Hawaii full time). One day my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel was barking and looking out the front window. I could not get her to stop, so I went out to the front yard and there was a black and white pig. It did not seem afraid of me and so I thought it was a pet pig. I talked to it and it looked at me quisically. After a few minutes, she trotted back up the street. After talking to some neighbors I found out it was a wild boar. You can buy wild boar here at a few butcher's.

Aloha au i Hawai`i,

Devany Vickery-Davidson
East Bay Potters
I think I have found a new hobby! I will rent out pigs as watch pigs to foil thieves, and after six months or so I can have some fresh bacon!

Mac nut
Originally posted by MarkP

Look at the love/hate relationship people have with dogs. We train them to be vicious killers as well as coddled lap dogs. I can see how pigs could go either way too.

Wild pigs obedience school-coming soon[Smile]
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
Originally posted by punafish:Hey Oink--do you bite, or do you slash? :-)
I lick. I'm a pot bellied (and blad headed), lover pig.

When I first built my house I would come home at night and often find a wild boar in my yard not far from my front door. There were no lights in the area and I would always hear him before I saw him. I'm no chicken, but he scared the crap out of me a few times. I decided to remedy the problen and the next time I walked from my car to my door I had a .44 in my hand. Sure enough, I walked from my car around the palmetto patch and there he was not three feet away. I'm ashamed to say I missed him. I was expecting him, but not that close. I don't know how I missed but there was no blood trail. I couldn't see my sights because of the dark(no lights and no moon), but 3 ft??? I later heard what was probably him accross the drainage canal from me on a vacant lot on several other nights (all 5 acre lots) but never in my front yard again.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Hey Carrie it was me Richard that was pig wrangling.[:0]
We can't say life is boring here.
Needless to say the next day at the construction site everyone had a pig
joke. Most of the jokes had something to say about me being bent over.[:I].


"Yearn to understand first and to be understood second."
-- Beca Lewis Allen
"Yearn to understand first and to be understood second."
-- Beca Lewis Allen
Richard, were you wearing truffle cologne??? digging Hapu'u, sweet potato, or the like???

Glad you are OK.
I do know wild boar in the T.A.G. states are likely to charge if there is a piglet in the area (from doing backcountry surveys in those parts), maybe this was a protective mama piggy
This one was definitely male. When he ran off He had to coconuts attached to his hind quarters[Big Grin]
The landscaper guessed that it may have come up for the Mac shell


"Yearn to understand first and to be understood second."
-- Beca Lewis Allen
"Yearn to understand first and to be understood second."
-- Beca Lewis Allen
no need to kill the feral pigs, unless you plan to eat them, and I don't suggest that either. It has come to my attention that there is a terrible pig virus that is floating around. Another words, kill a feral pig 7 eat it and you just might have a case of "spit farts", that could last two or three weeks. I promise you this, nobody want a case of "Spit Farts" during the holidays!!!!

I'm willing to bet that the pig that knocked you down was a Sow in all likely hood. She probably had her clan not far away too. Keep in mind pigs are extremely smart. Probably the smartest in the animal kingdom.
I will say it again and I'm sure I have written about it before here. Pigs like dogs have pack leaders. If you are having pig problems at your home. Just set up a nice slop area on the corner of your property. Dose all the slop with a few bottles of beer The Alpha male will be the first to hit the slop. Keep doing this for several days. When you are ready, replace the beer with your favorite "spirit". Of course don't waste a bottle of Remy Martin VSOP to pull this off. But replace beer with a cheap whiskey. I promise you, your alpha male will be peacefully passed out on your property. He then can be caged, and transported and released somewhere else away from human populated spots.

Don't kill pigs, unless you can haul the carcass off!


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