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I used to be one of those die hard windows guys who think Macs stink and cost too much...then one day my friend found out how I felt and showed me his mac, needless to say I now have a Mac and will probably not go back. In fact I have a windows notebook and when I use it I forget sometimes that its not a mac and try to do some of the things that I do on my mac, but I can't and I feel like "Well, this is lame..." I hope I don't sound too ungrateful, I am glad to have my windows notebook. I am glad to have a mac too, and all things I can do with it to make life easier. Have a nice day...and if you haven't, go check out a mac. Ask the salesperson to show you some things you can do on a mac that you cant on a pc, but only if you have a lot of time.
Daniel R Diamond
Daniel R Diamond
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Everyone has their opinion... but the thread was about caring for the customer, and Apples history is very shaded when it comes to its consumer products.
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii
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Once you go mac you never go back!!!!! I made the switch about 5 years ago and have never been happier. I have received great customer service whenever I have issues. I have owned an ipod since the first generation, still using my big heavy clunky one with no problems. Battery even works fine. I would expect a product like this to "wear out" and need new batteries so when it happens I will not be stressed.
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Macs are very reliable. However, majority of the world uses PC (or aka IBM compatibles for you computer users from the 20th century).
Majority of the apps I use only come out for Windows. I would not want to use an emulator, as they are not very efficient at all (think of having a translator with you where ever you went, how efficient is that? Slows down the process and there is a lot of room for error).
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The new macs can boot windows also, and the prices are not a s bad as they used to be, Apple started using some standard parts for there laptops, you can run both with out much trouble.
But in the business and hobby world, Mac are in the minority. Personally when I need a UNIX system to run something I do not chose a Mac.
Plus it seems that PC's are much easer to get and service here on the Big Island. [

How may Mac are used at the Internet Cafe in Pahao?
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii
Macs are great boxes for the less computer savvy user. They are very intuitive and pretty fool proof.
Many windows user should be using Mac instead.
Historically PCs have been a mishmash of parts and software from a multitude of vendors and that has been the cause of many Windows problems whereas Apple has overseen the whole build process.
But because Windows and Linux require more tech know-how they are not the point and click machines some folks want.
When you get into viruses and the like most are written to attack the most machines possible. (Windows)
The world runs on Windows,
The WWW runs on Linux,
Art departments run on Macs,
Each has their place. I administer Linux servers and do pen testing with a Linux laptop, But for writing software and creating commercial art, drafting, I use windows XP. (Vista? No thanks)
There is a big misconception that somehow Windows represents big business and Mac represents the individual progressive spirit, but nothing could be further from reality. Apple dominates their machines and software products like a Stalinist overlord. They want to get every drop of money they can out of there customers.
Microsoft just writes software that you can install on anything you want. You can buy the motherboard and other parts and build your own PC and if you are smart get MS software for free or at a low cost. Mac made you have to buy there high dollar hardware when you used their OS.
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Originally posted by esnap
I use windows XP. (Vista? No thanks)
Microsoft just writes software that you can install on anything you want. ......
And they install their software on
everything they want.
A while ago I was forced to switch to Vista (had to replace the laptop).
I also wanted to say :"Vista? No, thanks."
But who would respect that?
Note: I am not for or against Mac,I just like to have a choice of OS.
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
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Esnap gave a pretty good rundown on the computer alternatives. I started with IBM in the 1980's but switched to Mac as soon as it came out and have enjoyed the systems generally. The biggest advantage for me with Apple is is spend less mental energy dealing with the machine and have more energy to create.
That has changed recently and for the first time have a machine (Mac G5) I am not happy with. Too many bells and whistles. Not as intuitive as Apple used to be BUT their service is excellent, I would say flawless. I have a laptop that just developed a problem. Apple paid the FedEx to the repair and the FedEx back. Turnaround was five days. They will repair or replace without discussion. No complaint from me on service.
Assume the best and ask questions.
Punaweb moderator
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StillHope... I adopted Vista while it was still in beta, it has its problems but most can be overcome.
I still have to use XP for somethings, so I run a Virtual copy when needed...
Once Apple has something I need I will start looking into a Virtual Mac, I hope someone out there has figured out how by now...
I am with Rob on the bells and whistles, Vista is the same way, to much junk, and then if you buy a named brand PC they stack more junk on top of that...
First thing to do with a new PC is create the CD's/DVD's and FFR (Fdisk, Format and reinstall).
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii
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We just swapped out an IPOD battery and it was no big deal. The thing was a pain to open up but I want it to have a nice tight seal so that was OK. Have used Macs at home for years and used Macs, PCs and Linux professionally. I love my Macbook and use it constantly. One way we got around the big ticket price for new Macs was to buy the previous generation Macs used, from people who wanted the newest, fastest Mac; usually we got them from students dropping out of college for about $500.
Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb