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Marijuana Laws Are Discriminatory
"it was all the BS the Government shoved down the throats of parents in America."
Nope, sorry, I saw it with my own eye, I saw friends go to the hospital right from the the school play ground over PCP, I watched 7 and 8th graders smoke dope in the halls, you may have been smoking your own dope and missed out on what it was doing to the people around you.

And no, I was not joking about the dead and worthless dopers, Texas may have had the laws, but the city and state were not enforcing them.
If Marijuana is not a gateway drug, then it sure put on a good show as one, I watched the kids around me move from it right up the chain of death. Maybe you need to get out from under your rock.

Its eye opening that being from Texas, alcohol was readily available to most minors (including myself) but seemed to cause much less problems then the drugs. But then, the systems were in place to inform everyone about alcohol, and the only thing that was said about Marijuana, back then was from the dealers, and how great it was.

I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii
Helicopters... [Wink]

Originally posted by oink

What happened to "Keep it Puna"? What do national pot laws have to do with Puna?


Just kidding.

Big Islander to be.

I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii
Originally posted by Jon
I do not know what things in Hawaii were like in the 70's, but in Texas kids from elementary to high school were buying Marijuana and PCP like candy.... by the 80's that had all but stopped. So I have to think that the War on Drugs has done some good.

We do not know who bad thing would have been had the laws not been passes and the DEA not done its job. I do know this, every person I new in High School that uses Marijuana is dead, or has never amounted to anything. Most moved on up to the "better" drugs.

I was In the Texas School system in the 70's.
Never was I offered PCP... Never even knew anyone who tried it...
It was cool to smoke weed, I would see kids selling weed, speed and Mandrex in the Smoking Area.

Only people I know who are now dead, Died from Drinking and Driving.
Never even known anyone to die from
leave it to somebody from texas to want the death penalty for selling pot, go figure

the narcs i remember from the early 70's, were terrorists

it should be legalized, however we still have too many morons in this country
Originally posted by Jon

"it was all the BS the Government shoved down the throats of parents in America."
Nope, sorry, I saw it with my own eye, I saw friends go to the hospital right from the the school play ground over PCP, I watched 7 and 8th graders smoke dope in the halls, you may have been smoking your own dope and missed out on what it was doing to the people around you.

PCP is hardly cannabis,dude! Yeah all dead from smoking our Government paraquat sprayed crops in Mexico...that I believe! But nobody in the history of cannabis has ever died from an over dose of "weed". You actually believe all that governemt B.S. don't you?

And no, I was not joking about the dead and worthless dopers, Texas may have had the laws, but the city and state were not enforcing them.
If Marijuana is not a gateway drug, then it sure put on a good show as one, I watched the kids around me move from it right up the chain of death. Maybe you need to get out from under your rock.

I guess if I had to grow up in Texas, I'd be dusted a good part of the time too! After all, having to grow up in the armpit of America isn't easy for anyone!!!!

Its eye opening that being from Texas, alcohol was readily available to most minors (including myself) but seemed to cause much less problems then the drugs. But then, the systems were in place to inform everyone about alcohol, and the only thing that was said about Marijuana, back then was from the dealers, and how great it was.

who you trying to kid? I've never heard anyone talk about the virtues of Mexican ,or Colombian Weed before? I mean aren't those the weed of choice back then?

I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.



Let's get together and over grow the government!!!!

Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
The gateway drug logic: people who do hard drugs started with pot. But wait! They also drank alcohol. But wait! They all started drinking milk as infants. Therefore it follows that milk is a gateway drug?

I've got lots of anecdotal evidence that points to alcohol as the real "gateway drug". Most of the kids who were heavy drinkers in high school are now hanging out at the local bar shooting pool. Many hold down a job but never reached their potential. It's sad because many had so much potential.

I also know pot smokers who never amounted to anything, but you can say that about any demographic. I also know pot-smoking executives, lawyers, bankers, doctors and (of course) professional musicians who like the happy smoke. (But none were from Texas that I know of :-)

I would argue that the guys in the DEA who couldn't find a better job than hovering over homes in their helicopters to harass folks growing an herb (Puna focus here) have "amounted to nothing."

Too many problems and not enough resources to solve them all. That's why we have to PRIORITIZE. In a sane world, we wouldn't be wasting precious resources on something as benign as pot.

Just my humble opinion...


A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
One aspect of this that does effect our area is the wealth that legalized cannabis policies would create for mainstream Hawaii.

I saw an article on stating that cannabis is now California's largest cash crop. Hundreds of Hawaii farmers and licensed retailers could make millions, plus, since production is highly labor intensive, the wealth would spread through much of the community, as it does in California and elsewhere.

Cannabis consumers are much like wine consumers, always interested in new and regional strains, so Hawaii producers could tap into huge a national market and demand would be very high.

Big Island coffee shops would also draw canna-tourists. In Holland, it's a one billion dollar a year industry with a huge tourist component.

With the coming US Depression, this is a change (one of many) we should demand from our legislators and the Obama Administration.

Oh, yes, Glenfiddich is da bess.

Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
If you were to totally make pot cheap (purchased at the grocery store) some local kids in Pahoa or Kehena would have nothing better to do vs. hanging out looking to sell their stash on the side of the road. I see if from both sides, the "war on drugs" has become a total failure causing countries like Mexico and Columbia to have to pay for our stupid habits in the way of Drug Cartles controling their countries. Definitely similar to the Mob running the illegal liquor trade in the US during prohibition era. On the other hand I see alchohal, cigarettes, pot, meth, heroin a really potentially stupid way to ruin your life and waste away your hard earned cash. As I tell most young people "get high on life" and if you can't get "high on life" something is seriously wrong with your life. They don't call it dope for nothing and after watching a close family member almost drink themselves to death (yikes .....). Don't get me wrong, my favorite breakfast condiment is Kalua & Coffee but I'm a lucky one who can stop just at that.
Here's what I've come to understand.

The whole "gateway" drug concept is pretty much a myth. Some people are predisposed genetically to have addictive tendancies. If they smoke ciggies, they're hooked. If they drink alcohol, use meth, heroin, caffeine, sugar, or yes, marijuana, they have a higher chance of having dependency issues.

Some drugs are much more addictive than others and are more difficult to quit. Some are more harmful, both to yourself, and to society. Nicotine is one of the most addictive and harmfull.

The only way for an addict (of no matter what substance) to overcome their addiction is to quit altogether. An addict can "manage" a dependancy; even be "functional" while continueing to use a substance. The underlying dependency is still there, however. The only way an addictive personality can deal comfortably with an addictive substance is to abstain totally.

So here's the deal. If you can enjoy a beer or a joint after work, or a few on your day off and not really think about it for a period of time; that's awesome ! If, on the other hand, you can't wait for "beer thirty" to come around most every day, or can't function without a bong hit and coffee in the morning, you've probably got issues.

I used pot, nicotine, caffine, and sugar (all powerfull drugs) to get off alcohol (powerful AND destructive for an addict). I then used pot to get off nicotine. Now I am totally empowered and happy to be off pot, as well.

A person who habitually uses pakalolo probably thinks they are getting high when they smoke. I came to find that the "high" was really "normal" and the "without" period was a difficult downer. Without pakalolo altogether, everything is on a much more level plane.

I still use caffiene and raw sugar. (maybe someday....)

Personally, my life has become MUCH more enjoyable and productive in the 15 years without addictive behavior.

How do you quit an addictive substance?....ANY WAY YOU CAN. Meetings, therapy, gum, whatever works. Just know that the joy of being free of a substance comes only with total abstinance.

So that's kind of my thought on the "gateway" thing. Back to the thread.......I think of all the drugs out there; Pakalolo is probably the least harmfull and does have positive pharmiceutical qualities. Just don't be fooled into thinking it can't be abused. You may be only hurting yourself, but tell me; Who is more important than YOU ?

Sorry for the ramble.

One day at a time, My friends!

Ask yourself 2 questions

If drugs were legal, would you start?
Do you think a user ever stopped because of laws?

The answer to both is NO. The only folks who benefit from the War on Drugs are the dealers. Helps to keep prices higher.

If you favor the War on Drugs, you demonstrate your inability to think logically.

Have you questioned any of your beliefs, or changed your mind about anything lately?
Liberalism thrives on the double standard.

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