02-03-2009, 08:45 AM
quote:This is what Dan Seto (Division Administrator at The Judiciary, State of Hawaii) said on my blog about this:
Originally posted by Bob Orts
The Bill will not pass as written.
To clarify two things:
Senator Ihara introduced the bill by request (the BR part after his name). This means someone asked him to introduce the bill. This does not necessarily mean Sen. Ihara is for or against the bill. I have no idea where he stands on it nor the rational for the bill. disclosure: I live in his district and voted for him.
Secondly, just about all bills pass first “reading”. The next hurdle is whether the bill is “heard” in committee or killed by not doing so. If heard, it could still be held in committee. Thus keeping it from moving forward.
That all said, my personal opinion is that it is unclear to me what is the problem with pocket knives. I haven’t heard of too many (any?) incidents in which pocket knives were used in the commission of a crime. But I could be wrong and if the bill is heard, perhaps whomever offered the bill could explain their side of the story.
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