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HPP Special BOD Meeting Tuesday, May 5th at 6pm
Hi Jeff,

Your note was upsetting. Like Jerry I have attended several meetings and only felt we were getting somewhere when you were at the helm. You and your team took the time to address everyone's concerns, answer questions and explain what the board was doing. It was such a nice change from the meetings I attended before you were president, where I felt a certain degree of tension between board members who seemed to have zero interest in the opinions or ideas of non-board members.

I think what happened to force you into this position you is very serious. I am sorry to hear you had to suffer professionally and feel under the circumstances you did the right thing, but now I am worried. What is going on behind the scenes? Does this mean all the hard work you put in with regards to the paving plans will be thrown out the window and they will start the whole process again while wasting more time and money?

Every year our road fees go up by more and more - and yet all we hear is there is barely enough money to pave a few roads while time and borrowed money dribble away.

I'm sure you can't answer my questions here, but I sure don't like the sound of what levels people are stooping to with regards to the HPPOA. Something is starting to stink.

Jerry, due to work commitments, I won't be able to make the meeting on Wednesday and hope you will post a summary of what happens.

OK i'm missing something here, i thought the board was hppoa.
and who benefits from causing chaos ,are they just Trolls or does someone have a financial interest in things going a different way
In broad terms the HPPOA is comprised of the Board, the administrative and support staff based at the hui office, and the general membership. Historically, there have been conflicts at times between and within the aforementioned groups. The current Board has presented a more dignified and united image under Jeff Spaur's leadership. I hope we don't go back to the "hu-hu at the hui" modus operandi of some past boards.

there is at least a dozen different sides to this thing. because some people are starting to worry about the bond going south,that roads aren't going to be maintained,the fees going up and so on. so if accurate info doesn't start flowing. i think the lawyers will start circling.
Jerry, since you attend the majority of these meetings. Was there some hostility in one of these recent meetings over the road pavement in the park? It is my understanding that some irate resident got up with a list that showed a majority of board members had their roads paved. Is there any truth to this? Personally I think someone should make a motion tonight to terminate the road Association for HPP, and turn the roads over to the county!!!!
For my own sanity, how many board members actually have their roads paved, Jeff?

It is my opinion that tooo much money has been wasted by the Hui. For instance, it is my understanding that the guy who clears the weeds on the side of the roads in HPP has broken the blade to the machine three times!!! At 5K a blade, why is he even still working for the Hui? He didn't pay to replace the blade, it came out of our road funds that were to be used for paving the roads. How much of the road money was used in other areas to shore up HPP?


Let's get together and over grow the government!!!!

Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
Guess we'll find out what's going on with the HPPOA this evening. BOD meeting at 6pm!
Beachboy, at the last General Membership meeting, a gentleman did make a statement implying that the paving of 16th had something to do with the fact that a former Board member and chairman of the now defunct Paving Committee lived on 16th. I criticized the paving of 16th (on the record) because I felt like it was reverting to paving an even grid across the park instead of the worst roads. I also criticized it as indulging the road maintenance crew, whose headquarters is on 16th and who should be able to keep it graded. Personally, I still think that decision was poor judgement and not favoritism, especially given the fact that the referenced person was a former Board member. The man who brought this up is planning to run for the Board, and we will no doubt hear more from him. I applaud his activism, even if I don't agree with all his points. IMHO, he did not make a very strong case agains the present Board on this count. I know several Board members who don't have their roads paved and have made no gesture toward getting them on the list. Given that the people on the Board live throughout the Park, it is a mathematical certainty that some of them will be on newly paved roads. Am I willing to absolutely say there has NEVER been any influence exerted? No, but I really haven't seen evidence.

Motions from the membership, as I understand the by-laws, may only be made at General Membership meetings. The next one is a couple of months away. Dissolving the Hui in hopes of the County taking over would be futile. The County has made it clear on numerous occasions that they will not take over the roads. If they ever were to consider it, they would want them improved to their standards first, a project which would dwarf the $12,000,000 currently in plan. We are on our own.

The answer (here comes the broken record again, folks) is to GET INVOLVED. I understand that everyone can't come to most of the meetings like I do, but come to some. Educate yourself about who your Board rep is and let them know your concerns. Their phone numbers and email are on the Hui website. There are elections for the Board that most people pay little attention to. In some cases, nobody volunteers to run. (Before you suggest that I run, I should note that my district is represented by a competent, active person whose votes I support 90% of the time.)

Honestly, folks, I sometimes get tired of all this reporting when so many people are willing to complain and so few are willing to participate. I will keep doing it, though, because it think it matters. It matters a lot.

i dont see anything on the hppoa site that there's a meeting tonight
yea but its not on the hui site

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