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fights in the high school
I too was thinking about the teachers that want to teach and the students that want to learn. The philosophy that you just need to jump in the mix and start banging back ignores the innocent victims and the fact that someone is always on the bottom of the pile. It's already way to close to Lord of the Flies.

Keaau High School needs to focus on those who want to learn and not be held hostage by contemporary bullies. Instead of being protected from there needs to be protection of.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Rob and Carol, good points but unfortunately school is a proving ground and fighting back may be only this kids best option...

I am NOT an advocate for violence but I am in a field that routinely deals with this stuff.
(BTW I have a minor in PSY and a degree in Admin of Justice AND I am finishing my Nursing degree at UHH)

I see it first hand and have dealt with it first hand. Adjudicated youth, case managers, probation officers, etc etc. Worked with them all, seen it all. I worked with youngsters from all the Islands and sometimes all the "book-psychology" just did not apply...

Then again, I grew up in L.A and routinely had to throw from the shoulders because thats the way it was. Sad but true...

I am not sure exactly who you mean by "this kid"? I was writing about the environment that the administration at Keaau has allowed to flourish, which allows the great majority of kids' educations to be harmed by the actions of a few. It all comes down to who is in charge: a few thugs (both male and female) or the adults. And your dismissing the fundamental need for humans to have their basic needs met and to feel safe in order to function well as "book-psychology" that doesn't apply to Island kids just leaves me amazed.

Most of the kids at Keaau probably would like to go to a school where 20 of their classmates aren't arrested for 3 different fights in one day, and there are a bunch of parents driving their kids into Hilo or to underfunded charter schools who would like their kids to have a neighborhood high school that is safe enough that they feel comfortable sending them there. The DOE has the resources to make that happen, just not the will. I grew up in a rural, economically depressed community with similar tensions and issues as Puna, but our school was safe because the community wanted it that way, and the school board was on the hot seat to make sure that happened. Sure kids fought, but it stayed off campus and people who didn't want to be involved could stay out of it. There is simply no excuse for the violence and vandalism that has been happening at Keaau ever since it opened.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Well I dont want this thread to turn into ANOTHER PW thread where it gets off topic and turns into a tit-for-tat back and forth banter so I will say my peace and move on...

I truly hope these youngsters find another outlet and stuff like this decreases...

I know this was a black-eye for KHS and the DOE but on the bright side, most other days at KHS there are NO fights, kids go to school in peace, and the youngsters are getting SOME education. At least that is something positive...
"I know this was a black-eye for KHS and the DOE but on the bright side, most other days at KHS there are NO fights, kids go to school in peace, and the youngsters are getting SOME education. At least that is something positive..."

I thought you were talking about the other KHS in keaau, the one that doesn't have fights...

I don't know about the fascination that many of the kids have with ultimate fighting. Maybe BJ penn will lose again so less people follow him. Its really sad that they actually think its cool to fight like that. Maybe the school should start a boxing team and have a better wrestling program so that the fighters can have a place to learn something beneficial and develop discipline.

Daniel R Diamond
Daniel R Diamond
Like Daniel, I am somewhat dismayed that one of the key role models held for our youth to admire basically makes his living beating the crap out of other people. Yes, I know the Mayor has honored BJ Penn, and he has done some community work with young people. UFC now calls itself "mixed martial arts" and also has actually added rules to stay in business, but it still looks like people beating the crap out of each other to me.

Maybe it's my "old age" or the "wisdom of time" - BUT I am VERY tired of reading/hearing about how school is a proving ground not for social HUMAN interaction but for gaining respect by banging someone around.
This is NOT an ISOLATED incident happening just ONCE a year! Even in the article the Police were called THREE times in the span of 2 hours and 15 minutes.

Human - Social - Psychological! Evolution has not progressed very far from the CAVE. "West Side Story" is as relevant today as it was in 1957!

Yes - we can lay the blame at the "feet" of the parents - BUT those parents also had parents and so on and on and on and on! How to BREAK the cycle?
When, what age- is it appropriate to hold someone responsible for their own actions? Young adults want to be recognized as "adults" at earlier ages but society STILL protects them from their actions BECAUSE of their age?

I AM NAIVE - but ignoring the IMPACT of our present day culture (MMA - WWW - Gangsta Rap - Etc.) on our children's psychological development is more so.

As always - I have more questions - than answers.
I have been reading this topic and have been hesitant to respond but bottom line here is tolerance for violence is wrong. If you attack or beat up a co-worker in normal society there will be consequences and it is likely the consequences are that you are no longer employed. Boy will be boys is not an excuse. I have followed the recent case where a group of 13-15 year old boys set another 15 year old boy on fire. I doubt they started with setting people on fire. There is simply no excuse for tolerating violent behavior.

I agree Blake; the administration at the school need to grow a pair, punish those instigating these fight and expel them if necessary. Zero tolerance for this type of behavior is the only thing that will work. This schools administration is just asking for a law suit for having a hostile environment. Which means when they lose, and they will, we tax payers will have to pick up the tab. If they can't step up and do the job, replace them asap. If being expelled damages the psyche of the trouble makers, oh well, TS. It is way past time that these types suffer the consequences of their actions instead of being protected by the juvenile "so called" justice system.[Sad!]

dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
I agree with Blake on this 100% and that is the bottom line... [Big Grin]

Aloha au i Hawai`i,

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