02-12-2010, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by Carey
IPCC has NEVER used that term...
I think the words being floated today are.. Climate Change Science.. and in fact the USGS has fully incorporated this into their mission. The studying of the processes involved are a fully funded aspect of the agency. I doubt it would be so without cause. Some info about these studies can be found at... http://geochange.er.usgs.gov/
The idea of warming or cooling is a hotly debated subject though. I believe the modeling suggests that warming will in time lead to cooling.. ie eventually there is enough moisture released and accumulated in the atmosphere to block sunlight sufficiently and we start heading south. The big question being how long that process takes from the onset of the increased warming. But, in the meantime, the amount of ice being warmed and turned to water is staggering, regardless of what anyone wants to call it. And actually, in some places, it's called snow.