02-12-2010, 01:29 PM
From what I can recall we only had one tiny dusting of snow on the very top this Winter and it seems like it was gone by that afternoon.
As for the bigger, much more sensitive issue....
Can't anybody agree that just like everything else, the truth probably lies in between the two extremes? Is it just me, or does it seem like everything in the news is only painted with one of two brushes: Conservative Republican Fox News-watching SUV-Driving gay-bashing Earth rapers, or Liberal Democrat "Make Love Not War" Al Gore-worshipping Cap-and-Trade-supporting hippies? I don't honestly believe that the majority of Americans fit into either one of those categories by a long shot, yet any time I pick up a newspaper or turn on the TV you'd swear that those are the only two flavors American citizens are made in. Can't I be an NRA member AND not oppose gay marriage AND reduce/reuse/recycle AND love to watch football AND listen to rap music AND refuse to register as a Democrat or Republican or any other party for that matter?
SCREEEEEEECCCHHHH!!!!! (thats the sound of a derailed train magically getting back on the tracks.....)
So um yeah Mauna kea... no snow. I have yet to fulfill my fantasy of snow boogie boarding in my shorts. I know it would be absolute misery but it would make one hell of a picture for a Christmas card to send back to family on the mainland
As for the bigger, much more sensitive issue....
Can't anybody agree that just like everything else, the truth probably lies in between the two extremes? Is it just me, or does it seem like everything in the news is only painted with one of two brushes: Conservative Republican Fox News-watching SUV-Driving gay-bashing Earth rapers, or Liberal Democrat "Make Love Not War" Al Gore-worshipping Cap-and-Trade-supporting hippies? I don't honestly believe that the majority of Americans fit into either one of those categories by a long shot, yet any time I pick up a newspaper or turn on the TV you'd swear that those are the only two flavors American citizens are made in. Can't I be an NRA member AND not oppose gay marriage AND reduce/reuse/recycle AND love to watch football AND listen to rap music AND refuse to register as a Democrat or Republican or any other party for that matter?
SCREEEEEEECCCHHHH!!!!! (thats the sound of a derailed train magically getting back on the tracks.....)
So um yeah Mauna kea... no snow. I have yet to fulfill my fantasy of snow boogie boarding in my shorts. I know it would be absolute misery but it would make one hell of a picture for a Christmas card to send back to family on the mainland