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HPP General Membership Meeting this Sunday
There will be a meeting of the HPP General Membership this Sunday, October 28 at 3 p.m. in the Activity Center. There are still a lot of unresolved issues about the HPP Board of Directors' response to the dust issue, which has been poorly handled, IMHO. This is an opportunity for HPP property owners to express their opinions, and I urge them to attend. The following statement has been issued by a group of concerned members of the HPPOA:

Triple Our HPP Road Fees? It’s Your Choice.

Our HPP road fees could triple... from the current $262 up to $762 and higher.
The HPP Owners Association is mailing out a survey which asks if you are willing to increase your annual fee by $500 for 5 years...on top of the $262 that you already pay. That would be $762 in the first year and probably higher later.

Or the survey offers you the choice of paying an extra $300 per year instead of $500. That boost would last for 5 years or 8 years; take your pick.

What’s this all about? It starts with dust. We are told three HPP property owners (out of about 7,000 in total) have complained to the state Department of Health about dust from unpaved roads. The Health Department is pressuring the Association, and the Association has responded by considering additional costly paving.

The Association survey does not appear neutral. It appears to pressure property owners like you. The survey ends with a question about whether you would be willing to face fines and “a legal solution” (a lawsuit) if you don’t accept the $500 (or $300) increase. That sure looks like pressure from our own Association.

Is this a done deal? No. The survey is only an opinion poll. (Be sure to note: This survey is identified at the top of the page only by the heading “Survey #2.” Do not confuse it with “Survey Number 1” on the other side.) If the Association wants to push forward with road fee increases, it would have to hold an actual vote. They’d need to get at least 600 votes (out of a potential of about 8,800) and at least 301 of those votes would have to be positive toward the increases.

Is there an alternative? Yes. The survey also asks if you would accept “reasonable precautions” against dust. (No definition of what that means.)

Reasonable? Is the Health Department acting reasonably? We don’t think so. We don’t think the Association is either. In August, several HPP owners asked the Association to hire a lawyer who is a specialist in air quality (such as dust issues). The Association didn’t do it.

No specialized lawyer? Why doesn’t the Association hire a specialized attorney to fight for us – to talk to the Health Department before fines and a lawsuit start? We don’t understand it. You should ask the Association.

Come to the HPPOA General Meeting, Sunday, Oct. 28, in the HPPOA activity center on Maku’u Drive, starting at 3 p.m. Look for the agenda item, “Survey importance.”

But meetings are so boring! You won’t be bored if this thing creeps along, and then you suddenly find yourself paying an extra $500 per year.

Edited to correct numeric date to 28th.

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HPP General Membership Meeting this Sunday - by JerryCarr - 10-22-2012, 06:30 PM

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