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Feb. 6 county council "testimony"
The county council meeting was this morning, just happened to catch the beginning while my camera was close by. They don't broadcast in HD, so that is the way it looks with an off-screen capture. There was only "testimony" from Pahoa, you can see the other empty conference rooms.

Calling it "testimony" is a real stretch. The anti-geothermal troupe was out in force and full regalia. Mostly, it was just some of the wildest rambling, deranged monologues that looked and sounded more like they were doing an interview in a nut house.

Didn't get a photo of one the first, Rev. Geisle of the THC Ministry. He looked like he was "worshipping". He ended by taking out a little electric fan with LED's and tried to use Darth Vader force on the council and parting with an almost FU to the council. Of course, Brenda Ford had already decided the outcome, so she just acted like it was all routine. There were some other real zingers but these were the highlights. I started taking screen shots when the woman in the background showed up, with a crown and some kind of feather wing wands. She would occasionally moan and yodel in the background.

Cow woman - she said she was from down south and started talking about god and angels, how geothermal was offending them, bladablada:

Threaten guy - this guy came up and was basically threatening the council, saying it was amazing, how they knew where they lived and how impressed he was with their bravery if the vote wasn't "right":

Almost naked guy - actually, almost naked guy was one of the most level headed, saying how amazed he was that he could live off grid and growing his own crops, then something happened off camera:

Psycho-schizo woman - this was the woman with the crown and feathered wing fans. She was way out there, didn't really say much that was coherent at all,then tried to do some ju-ju at the council with her wing fans:

There was anther woman from Australia by her accent, her name was supposedly Equater Dawn. She was basically saying zero point energy had been suppressed by the government for over a century and she wanted to know what the council was going to do to bring zero point energy to Puna. She said geothermal was killing love.

Harry Kim was there and he wasn't as an eloquent speaker as I thought. He was stumbling over all kinds of terms. Of course, Ford had to make a big deal out of thanking him for his testimony and his many trips to the other islands.

Kind of quit watching there. It was very amusing but then I started thinking, these people could end up on a jury trial by peers. Not a real wonder why court cases go the way they do around here.

I am pretty sure the council voted unanimous on the bill, it looked like a done deal. Ford was bullying the whole show and she basically ended by saying what had happened, was happening and will happen in Puna could just as well happen in all the other districts. The bobble heads were bobbing up and down. Well, just another day of entertainment watching how true democratic government works, at least in Hawaii county. It's a real shame how Hawaii county has butchered the meaning of the word "testimony" to mean "whatever loony thing you want to say".

"It was a majority decision to descend into the Dark Ages. Don't worry, be happy, bang on da drum all day!"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*

Messages In This Thread
Feb. 6 county council "testimony" - by pahoated - 02-06-2013, 04:42 PM
RE: Feb. 6 county council "testimony" - by Guest - 02-09-2013, 05:23 PM
RE: Feb. 6 county council "testimony" - by Frank - 02-11-2013, 02:46 PM

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