01-05-2011, 04:17 AM
Originally posted by The Lack...
This is especially true now that education "experts" commonly prohibit children from expressing negative emotions or aggression. Instead of learning that such emotions are normal, but that destructive behavior needs to be controlled, children now learn that feelings of anger are evil, dangerous and subject to severe punishment. To protect themselves from "being bad", they are forced to use defense mechanisms to avoid owning their own normal emotions. Unfortunately, using such defense mechanisms inappropriately can endanger their mental health; children need to learn how to deal appropriately with reality, not how to avoid it.
This is not true of "education experts" in Hilo IMHO. Hilo had, at one time, one of the best domestic violence programs in the country: Alternatives to Violence modeled on the DV prevention program in Duluth, MN. And although it was geared to DV, family court judges sent many other offenders to it.
One of the main tenets was "its okay to be angry, its not okay to be violent". The facilitators worked really hard teaching batterers how to express all the emotions you wrote of including anger, of course, in non-violent ways. Some of the program used what was formerly called Non-Violent Communication Training now called Compassionate Communication. Many of the facilitators worked with school programs also regarding NVC.
Violence statistically is about power and control. http://www.uic.edu/depts/owa/power_control-wheel.html is a link to the power and control wheel for domestic violence and it is out of date as it uses he/she it shows the cycle.
Now back to the regular programming.