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HPP General Membership Meeting this Sunday
Got my survey in yesterday's mail, and this whole mess now seems even worse than before.

In what is guaranteed to inhibit responses, part 1 of the survey requests a physical address or lot and block number as part of item #10. This is not shown as "optional." It just asks for it without indicating if it is required or not. The author of the survey has already caused the results to be questionable by introducing what is well known to be an inhibiting factor. If people think that the powers that be are pushing this, they will be less likely to respond honestly, or respond at all, if they think their identity will be known. Big FAIL for basic survey construction.

Part two is all over the map with multiple assessment options being floated and a final vague option of "Would you agree to follow reasonable precautions to control fugitive dust?" This last bit is not defined as to whether it would be road maintenance changes with potential costs or expected changes in behavior of drivers, lot owners, etc.

And I'm saving the best (or worst) for last. In the narrative piece that accompanies the survey, we are told, "If the assessment does NOT happen, the board would need to consider raising the fees every year and using the extra to be placed in a paving fund." Now excuse me, but doesn't that sound like they have already decided that paving is the only option? Why go to the expense and trouble of doing an annoyingly ill-constructed survey if you've already made up your mind?

All of this is so bizarre when there hasn't even been a fine yet.

Messages In This Thread
RE: HPP General Membership Meeting this Sunday - by JerryCarr - 10-26-2012, 07:30 AM

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