11-09-2012, 07:12 AM
Rene, like you, I once respected what Tiffany was doing. I lost it, though, when she started using terms like "debacle" and "disaster" in reference to the elections office hu-hu before the election even took place. The actual event did indeed turn out to be a mess, but one has to wonder how much of it was fed by her "reporting." It seemed to me that Tiffany was angry about being scooped by a Honolulu news outlet and not being invited to a briefing. There has also been a history of blurring the lines between news stories and commentary even before the election issues. More people than Rob have had to ask for clarification as to what was what. Ultimately, this is one of the dangers of bloggers who also aspire to be "legitimate" news outlets. There is no editor (other than the blogger herself) to bring some balance and boundaries. Two respected professional journalists whom I know have told me that the election office coverage on the Big Island Chronicle was unprofessional.