01-30-2013, 08:39 AM
It is pretty obvious that corruption has reached the lowest levels of govt. in Hawaii now, meaning the local level. Wnen local govt. ie. "county councilors, county clerk, and planning and zoning administrators are being compensated by out of state entities such as insulation corporations, roofing material co, glass manufacterers etc. These draconian codes are designed for two things, putting money in corporations coffers and putting money into a few disingenuous public officials pockets. Millions of dollars that would be spent locally will now be given to insulation corps. overseas. Not only do these draco building codes take millions out of local economies they take your property rights. The land in Hawaii and other states will soon become worthless, as peoples "rights" to their property will no longer exist. Your right to privacy is already gone. When planning and zoning tell you to your face that they will be flying over your house to "see" what you are up to. This is a criminal act. Verified by the U.S. constitution. This local county govt. needs to be under investigation for all kinds of illegal activities. Stand up before its too late. Neighborhood associations and association of realtors need to act on this now.