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Feb. 6 county council "testimony"
Originally posted by opihikao
As kanaka maoli who are from the Pele lineage, it's downright insulting and frankly, disturbing.

I think the pre-contact Hawaii religion is very beautiful and deserving of far more respect than these f*cking haoles (and that is the difference between haoles and f*cking haoles) feign to give it. Even scientists fall back on referring to Mother Nature at times, and I see Pele as just an extension of that concept, along with Gaia, Mother Earth, Amaterasu. We are searching for life on other planets but how can anybody argue that this Earth isn't another form of life, after all, so far, all life we know is an extension of this lifeform underneath us and we are finding more and more how volcanoes can possibly be essential to the origin, or at least, the sustainer of life. We now know creatures live at what we thought were impossible depths in the ocean, where there is no light or heat from the Sun and incredible pressures, only because they get their energy and nutrients from the undersea volcanoes they live around. And who can say the Sun is not another life form? Stars are born, burn, and die. Is that not life?
These people see the volcano as fire, brimstone, poison and death. This is from their f*cking haole religious background that associates the volcano with their imagination of Hell. No doubt, the volcano deserves the utmost respect, and that is what the kanaka maoli gave Pele, not turning her into a mockery of a quasi-monarchy mad Red queen. That is what gets me mad, how dare these carpet bagger haole people claim to be self-appointed representatives of Pele? How arrogant and ignorant. Pele needs no protection from us, she allows us to live here and prosper from her bounty. If and/or when the time comes, Pele will make it clear she no longer wants us here.

"It was a majority decision to descend into the Dark Ages. Don't worry, be happy, bang on da drum all day!"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*

Messages In This Thread
Feb. 6 county council "testimony" - by pahoated - 02-06-2013, 04:42 PM
RE: Feb. 6 county council "testimony" - by pahoated - 02-07-2013, 12:00 PM
RE: Feb. 6 county council "testimony" - by Guest - 02-09-2013, 05:23 PM
RE: Feb. 6 county council "testimony" - by Frank - 02-11-2013, 02:46 PM

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