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Street Bazaar
We of course welcome everyone and anyone to not only come and "shop" but also to provide an opportunity for everyone and anyone to "sell" their wares. Directions to the event: From Highway 130 turn down Kahakai Blvd and go approximately 4 miles, turn right onto Maikoiko Street and go to the end of the street to the park. The subdivision the park is located in is Hawaiian Shores Recreational Estates and the park is part of Hawaiian Shores Community Association (HSCA). Kahakai Neighborhood Organized Watch (K.N.O.W.) is not affiliated with any subdivision or homeowner's association. Our mission: Work closely with local police to create an active and well known Neighborhood Watch Organization that encompasses all communities served by Kahakai Boulevard from Highway 130 to the ocean.

K.N.O.W. has a Facebook Group page (search K.N.O.W.) and we also have a website - providing further information about the community neighborhood watch.

Messages In This Thread
Street Bazaar - by Lokahi - 02-01-2013, 08:03 AM
RE: Street Bazaar - by Lokahi - 02-08-2013, 02:18 AM

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