04-08-2013, 06:29 AM
I battled strawberry guava for years and finally arrived at my preferred method, which is cheaper and most effective: chainsaw or lop down as close to ground level as possible, and then immediately apply some herbicide to the fresh cut. Remedy with forest crop oil is OK. So is one half cup Ortho poison ivy killer diluted with 1 gal. water. The latter is cheaper, unless you already purchased the Remedy. I don't spray the herbicide...I put it in a shampoo or dish liquid bottle and apply directly to the cut surface. You have better control that way and don't risk contaminating the soil or killing nearby desireable plants.
You can chip up the trunk and branches and the chips will not resprout, especially if you make a nice big pile of them. Use them later for mulch, or if you want to fill in a low spot.
You can chip up the trunk and branches and the chips will not resprout, especially if you make a nice big pile of them. Use them later for mulch, or if you want to fill in a low spot.