08-27-2013, 01:44 AM
It looks like the round things are piles of red cinder that they are laying out in stripes down their lot... the small white rectangle NE of the house, near the property line, within one circle is most like an ATV or other small trailer used for spreading & it looks like nearby is a larger rectangle tarp...& a little up the property line may be on huge grey rock left from the land clearing. The dark circle in back of the house & just S of the white pickup is the water catchment tank
Red cinder are used a lot as a yard base...they are light weight & are a good plant medium (like the red cinder sold in bags in the garden venters by you as 'cinder mulch')
ADD: this is a very good example of 'Pin to pin' land clearing...nothing left on the lot after the D9 gets through...
Red cinder are used a lot as a yard base...they are light weight & are a good plant medium (like the red cinder sold in bags in the garden venters by you as 'cinder mulch')
ADD: this is a very good example of 'Pin to pin' land clearing...nothing left on the lot after the D9 gets through...