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Any idea why HPP doesn't have ccr's?
My point... If a rooster "farmer" moves in AFTER I buy, I no longer have the choice of moving unless I want to lose tens of thousands of dollars because nobody would want a house next to one and I would have to give my house away to leave and that is very unfair to me. It is just plain wrong.
So, in that situation I would be forced to do whatever I had to in order to get him to leave. I wouldn't be the one wronging someone else, I would be the one who was wronged. Same as if he stole tens of thousands from my bank account only I can't even get him arrested for it even though it IS illegal. House color or style, bush trimming, and other non-intrusive things others do on their property won't bother me, it's theirs. Live and let live is my motto, so to speak, but rooster "farmers" aren't letting me live. They are taking away my peace and quiet, my fresh air as well as tens of thousands of my dollars in house value. Inconsiderate dog owners are in the same boat, bark bark bark all day and all night. What it is, for me, is why are these people like that, and why can't they see what they are doing? Things like this are why I have lived out in the middle of nowhere for the last 20 years. Hopefully I won't have such issues because I would turn into the worst neighbor for that person. Hearing all the complaining on here about dogs and roosters makes me nervous about living near people again. Sorry for the rants but some people here misunderstand and think I have a problem with cultures and peoples and I don't, just some people and their lack of consideration.

comin' your way soon!
comin' your way soon!

Messages In This Thread
Any idea why HPP doesn't have ccr's? - by sputnut - 11-02-2013, 05:26 AM
RE: Any idea why HPP doesn't have ccr's? - by sputnut - 11-05-2013, 08:16 AM

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