01-07-2014, 09:05 AM
Well said Seven threads , am from Country “A” Lived there 33 years got tired of that country as I was a minority there ( 2% of the population of that country), so I came to the main land USA 25 years ago believing that it’s a land of equal opportunity and nation of laws, soon I realized only the Rich and the dominant race enjoyed those privileges. Then I went through a process of self-realization and started to practice “Advaita Vedanta” now this made me a Minority of the Minority and I live here in a very conservative town “in cognito” fearful that people will know my belief system and discriminate me further. I can tell you when the people in Punweb complain about Racism it’s laughable. Last summer I visited Puna by chance and I got a strong Vibe that this is where I belong so I purchased a piece of land and hope to retire there in couple of years, then I will be an absolute minority (.01% of the population), having lived in several countries I can tell you the Hawaiians are the least prejudice of all the cultures that I have experienced, yes there will be a few bad apples but its not the dominant trait of the people.