01-17-2014, 05:17 AM
quote:Ah, someone who is also of a scientific mindset!
Originally posted by geochem
To bring the thread back to the original topic: Mr. Ruderman's business model, and the business model of his whole industry, is to instill paranoia in the public consciousness over their food and over non-organic food production - that is their marketing strategy. If they can cripple conventional food production, or make those costs so high, organic producers and vendors are more competitive in the market place. Mr. Ruderman and the rest of organic marketers wrap themselves in a cloak of self-righteousness to protect themselves from any real scrutiny over their motives and the deceptiveness of their whole marketing strategy - the success of that strategy has now emboldened them to attack the conventional farming community that produces the majority of our food. It is self-serving and it is dishonest.
What is your feeling on the chasm between biocide compounds that go through animal testing then at least three rounds of human clinical trials and, once approved, are only given by people with many years of training, and biocide compounds that are now produced by our food due to genetic modification that only go through animal studies and are released, unlabeled, to the general populace?
Are you ok with that enormous divergence and if so, why? Thank you.