03-30-2014, 06:00 PM
I'm really touched by all the singing and carrying on and well wishes. And mahi more. Too funny. It is not QUITE my birthday yet (say a week), but we are in Aries right now and it is a very special time. All the more important to jettison old cannisters so that we can enter old age with Grace. Or Will. Or whoever I can talk into entering old age with me (now THERE'S an invitation! --please join me in my decrepitude, won't you?). I think I am going to try Steve's in Pahoa tomorrow (for the cannisters), but y'all are welcome to come by anyway, Rocketman or whoever wants to sing to me to celebrate my birthing at Kehena underwater attended by dolphins so long ago. Okay, I was actually born in a Catholic hospital in California and was attended by nurses in habits. Or so I am told. I don't know why the nuns didn't want to escort my mom into the ocean at Long Beach for the event. Those were very backward and primitive times. Ether, operating tables, doctors. Dolphinless. Go figure. Now I have dolphins though. And two tanks too many. Steve's, manana. Pau.