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Ebola outbreak continues to cause concern,
Just A jet flight away???? What airline flies from there to here in ONE flight?

That is a critical matter, as there have been infected people on airlines, but none have traveled far before the illness is noted...
unless you have a super sonic jet at your disposal, it would take multiple flights over many hours to fly from the area of infestation to Hawaii.... and most people with those jets are not in the area where this infestation has taken hold....

To compare any 2 viruses without REALLY comparing their effects is not an ideal way of measuring risks... AIDS transmission can occur without the donor party showing symptoms & is a very long duration infection...embola fits neither of those profiles...

And that is also WHY I stated that embola has not shown any mutation, flu viruses are always in a flux of mutation, and it very hard to nail down a vaccine for the "flu of the year"


Messages In This Thread
RE: Ebola outbreak continues to cause concern, - by dmbwest - 08-01-2014, 05:26 PM
RE: Ebola outbreak continues to cause concern, - by dmbwest - 08-01-2014, 08:51 PM
RE: Ebola outbreak continues to cause concern, - by Carey - 08-02-2014, 01:28 AM

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