02-28-2008, 09:11 AM
My wife and I have half-moved (she is there and I am back and forth) from Oahu to HPP. What surprised us was the amount of traffic that we have encountered. This was something that we thought we were leaving behind on Oahu. But anyway, my question is, between HPP and Hilo, when are the times that traffic is bad? On a Tuesday afternoon, my wife dropped me off at the airport at 4:55pm and I landed on Oahu before she got home in HPP. the traffic was really bad from Keeau to where it merges into one lane. I understand now that there is traffic in the mornings heading to Hilo (want to know what time the build up starts and ends)and we have seen the afternoon heading back the other way. We just want to know how to best plan our driving schedules. Thank you for your input. I've really appreciated the info given here on the forum. Thanks again!